
Martin Paul <martin <at> par.univie.ac.at> writes:

> Michael,
> > It would be very helpful, if PCA could also display the 
> > „requested revision“ of a patch. 
> I've always hesitated to add this as it would pretend to give 
> information which is actually not there.

But it *is* there - it's given on the command line!

> As there is no information 
> about past revisions in the xref file, pca can't show that either. If I 
> start to list the requested revision in pca's output, people will start 
> to assume that e.g. the synopsis and patch requirements are from that 
> patch revision as well, and that's not doable.

Hm. Yes, people might assume that, that's true, yes.

> This kind of issue has come up before because of different "minimal 
> patch revision required" lists (e.g. for installation of Sun Studio), 
> but I've not yet found a way to integrate such a feature smoothly into 
> pca.

I would've thought that adding another column „RR“ would've
been smooth, but in your first sentence of your reply, you've
shown that my first take might be problematic for some people :)

> Let me know if you (or anybody else) find that useful. If so, I'll put 
> it onto pca's contrib page.

Your checkmin.pl works very well!

Thanks a lot for your help!


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