Now I,m confused

It seems to work fine now (perhaps I need some more meds)
I do have a later version
/net/imageserver/install/pca/bin/pca -v
pca 20081218-01

Thanks for taking a look anyway but it looks like a PEBKAC on my part



2009/1/23 Martin Paul <>

> Hi Peter,
>  ERROR: Can't write
>> /net/imageserver/install/pca/patch/patches/
>> (Read-only file system)
>> echo $?
>> 0
>> ...
>> Shouldn't this set the return status to a non zero value.
> Yes. Can you check the pca version you are using? I've added useful exit
> status codes pretty late, but in pca 20081024-01 or later you should get
> $?==1 in this case. "pca --man" has a section on "EXIT STATUS" as well.
> Martin.

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