Hi All

First posting to the list, just wanted to thank you Martin for a great
tool. I hae been using it for about 2 years or so and tell everyone I
can about it...

I was setting it up for a new site last week that uses a Windows proxy
that requires NTLM authentication to download patches etc. Getting them
to change the authentication method is, well, difficult.

I notice that curl supports NTLM proxy authentication so I figure it
shouldn't be too hard to port that into pca instead of, or as well as,
wget. Just wondering if anyone has been down this path before?

I imagine that the port would work along the lines of checking the
'wget' variable on the command line or config file, and if it matches
something like /curl$/ then switching all the other wget options over
to be curl options. This way it would be mostly transparent.

ie if you set wgetproxy in the config file, and wget=curl, then it
would use the appropriate curl switch rather than wget switch to build
the curl commandline.

eg with the same hostname for the proxy the generated commandline
withing pca could look like this:

using wget
wget --execute http_proxy=prox.example.com:3128 ...

using curl
curl --proxy prox.example.com:3128 ...

and so on

Any thoughts or comments?

Glenn Satchell     mailto:glenn.satch...@uniq.com.au | It's a dog  eat dog
Uniq Advances Pty Ltd         http://www.uniq.com.au | world, and by golly,
PO Box 70 Paddington NSW Australia 2021              | we better make sure
tel:0409-458-580  tel:02-9380-6360  fax:02-9380-6416 | we're the dog.

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