Hi Richard,

We have identified a bug in the new Entitlement Service that is called prior to proceeding with a patch download from Akamai. The bug usually leads to transient 403 or 500 errors from the Entitlement Service, similar to what you are seeing below, though I have not seen the errors persist like this on subsequent retries before.

I have tested this fix in Beta over the past week almost now and have confirmed that it will eliminate these errors (famous last words, I know!).

The good news is that the fix is due to be pushed to production in Thursday morning (Pacific Time). Once this is live you should no longer see these errors (unless of course you really aren't entitled to a patch, in which case you will get a 403).

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Richard Skelton wrote:
Hi Martin,

Martin Paul wrote:
Richard Skelton wrote:
I have set-up and running a site PCA proxy which worked fine until Sun changed SunSolve a few weeks ago.
The last two day I am not getting any new patches.

So was this the first time you tried to download patches after the SunSolve change or did it work at least once after the change?
Has worked on and off for the last few weeks.
You pca setup looks fine, I don't see a problem with that.

          => `/var/apache2/htdocs/pca/142290-01.tmp'
Resolving proxy1.muc.infineon.com...
Connecting to proxy1.muc.infineon.com||:81... connected.
Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 503 Service Unavailable
08:16:25 ERROR 503: Service Unavailable.

So your webproxy returns an error when its being asked to download a patch from SunSolve. If it writes a logfile, please check that for further details.

Two things you might look into:

Since the change on SunSolve, HTTPS is required to download patches (before that HTTP was fine). Does you webproxy support HTTPS requests?

Look at http://sunsolve.sun.com/search/document.do?assetkey=1-9-240066-1 - there's a list of hosts you might have to add to your firewall rules, to allow the webproxy to access them (sunsolve.sun.com is not enough anymore).


Today all the new patches were downloaded using PCA without changing anything from yesterday. As I has debug enabled I could see each patch download. I did up the download retries from 5 to 15.
Still seeing lots of retries:-

Wed Sep  9 09:49:34 2009: Option xrefdir: /var/apache2/htdocs/pca
Wed Sep  9 09:49:34 2009: Option nocache: 1
Wed Sep  9 09:49:34 2009: Option patchdir: /var/apache2/htdocs/pca
Wed Sep  9 09:49:34 2009: Option user: xxxxxxx
Wed Sep  9 09:49:34 2009: Option passwd: xxxxxxxx
Wed Sep  9 09:49:34 2009: Option dltries: 15
Wed Sep 9 09:49:34 2009: Option wgetproxy: http://proxy1.muc.infineon.com:81
Wed Sep  9 09:49:34 2009: Option debug: 1
Wed Sep  9 09:49:34 2009: Option proxy: 141919-02
Wed Sep  9 09:49:34 2009: ARGV: 141919-02
Wed Sep  9 09:49:34 2009: Version: 20090827-01
Wed Sep  9 09:49:34 2009: Config files: /etc/pca-proxy.conf
Wed Sep  9 09:49:34 2009: Found /usr/sfw/bin/wget (1.10.2, 11002, https)
Wed Sep  9 09:49:34 2009: Using /usr/sfw/bin/wget
Wed Sep 9 09:49:34 2009: Prerequisites for threads not met, setting threads to 0
Wed Sep  9 09:49:34 2009: Never update
Wed Sep  9 09:49:34 2009: Requested file: 141919-02
Wed Sep  9 09:49:34 2009: Trying https://sunsolve.sun.com/ (1/15)
Wed Sep 9 09:49:34 2009: /usr/sfw/bin/wget "https://sunsolve.sun.com/pdownload.do?target=141919-02&method=h"; --execute https_proxy=http://proxy1.muc.infineon.com:81 --ca-certificate=/var/apache2/cgi-bin/pca-proxy.cgi --header="Authorization: Basic cnNrZWx0b246YnRjY3dqY2FndGU=" -O /var/apache2/htdocs/pca/141919-02.tmp >>/tmp/pca-proxy-debug.txt 2>&1 --09:49:34-- https://sunsolve.sun.com/pdownload.do?target=141919-02&method=h
          => `/var/apache2/htdocs/pca/141919-02.tmp'
Resolving proxy1.muc.infineon.com...
Connecting to proxy1.muc.infineon.com||:81... connected.
Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily
Location: https://getupdates2.sun.com/all_unsigned/141919-02.zip [following]
--09:49:36--  https://getupdates2.sun.com/all_unsigned/141919-02.zip
          => `/var/apache2/htdocs/pca/141919-02.tmp'
Connecting to proxy1.muc.infineon.com||:81... connected.
Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 403 You are not entitled to retrieve this content.
09:49:39 ERROR 403: You are not entitled to retrieve this content..

Wed Sep  9 09:49:39 2009: Failed
Wed Sep  9 09:49:43 2009: Trying https://sunsolve.sun.com/ (2/15)
Wed Sep 9 09:49:43 2009: /usr/sfw/bin/wget "https://sunsolve.sun.com/pdownload.do?target=141919-02&method=h"; --execute https_proxy=http://proxy1.muc.infineon.com:81 --ca-certificate=/var/apache2/cgi-bin/pca-proxy.cgi --header="Authorization: Basic cnNrZWx0b246YnRjY3dqY2FndGU=" -O /var/apache2/htdocs/pca/141919-02.tmp >>/tmp/pca-proxy-debug.txt 2>&1 --09:49:43-- https://sunsolve.sun.com/pdownload.do?target=141919-02&method=h
          => `/var/apache2/htdocs/pca/141919-02.tmp'
Resolving proxy1.muc.infineon.com...
Connecting to proxy1.muc.infineon.com||:81... connected.
Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily
Location: https://getupdates2.sun.com/all_unsigned/141919-02.zip [following]
--09:49:45--  https://getupdates2.sun.com/all_unsigned/141919-02.zip
          => `/var/apache2/htdocs/pca/141919-02.tmp'
Connecting to proxy1.muc.infineon.com||:81... connected.
Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 403 You are not entitled to retrieve this content.
09:49:48 ERROR 403: You are not entitled to retrieve this content..

Wed Sep  9 09:49:48 2009: Failed
Wed Sep  9 09:49:54 2009: Trying https://sunsolve.sun.com/ (3/15)
Wed Sep 9 09:49:54 2009: /usr/sfw/bin/wget "https://sunsolve.sun.com/pdownload.do?target=141919-02&method=h"; --execute https_proxy=http://proxy1.muc.infineon.com:81 --ca-certificate=/var/apache2/cgi-bin/pca-proxy.cgi --header="Authorization: Basic cnNrZWx0b246YnRjY3dqY2FndGU=" -O /var/apache2/htdocs/pca/141919-02.tmp >>/tmp/pca-proxy-debug.txt 2>&1 --09:49:54-- https://sunsolve.sun.com/pdownload.do?target=141919-02&method=h
          => `/var/apache2/htdocs/pca/141919-02.tmp'
Resolving proxy1.muc.infineon.com...
Connecting to proxy1.muc.infineon.com||:81... connected.
Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily
Location: https://getupdates2.sun.com/all_unsigned/141919-02.zip [following]
--09:49:56--  https://getupdates2.sun.com/all_unsigned/141919-02.zip
          => `/var/apache2/htdocs/pca/141919-02.tmp'
Connecting to proxy1.muc.infineon.com||:81... connected.
Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 403 You are not entitled to retrieve this content.
09:49:59 ERROR 403: You are not entitled to retrieve this content..

Wed Sep  9 09:49:59 2009: Failed
Wed Sep  9 09:50:07 2009: Trying https://sunsolve.sun.com/ (4/15)
Wed Sep 9 09:50:07 2009: /usr/sfw/bin/wget "https://sunsolve.sun.com/pdownload.do?target=141919-02&method=h"; --execute https_proxy=http://proxy1.muc.infineon.com:81 --ca-certificate=/var/apache2/cgi-bin/pca-proxy.cgi --header="Authorization: Basic cnNrZWx0b246YnRjY3dqY2FndGU=" -O /var/apache2/htdocs/pca/141919-02.tmp >>/tmp/pca-proxy-debug.txt 2>&1 --09:50:07-- https://sunsolve.sun.com/pdownload.do?target=141919-02&method=h
          => `/var/apache2/htdocs/pca/141919-02.tmp'
Resolving proxy1.muc.infineon.com...
Connecting to proxy1.muc.infineon.com||:81... connected.
Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily
Location: https://getupdates2.sun.com/all_unsigned/141919-02.zip [following]
--09:50:09--  https://getupdates2.sun.com/all_unsigned/141919-02.zip
          => `/var/apache2/htdocs/pca/141919-02.tmp'
Connecting to proxy1.muc.infineon.com||:81... connected.
Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 403 You are not entitled to retrieve this content.
09:50:13 ERROR 403: You are not entitled to retrieve this content..

Wed Sep  9 09:50:13 2009: Failed
Wed Sep  9 09:50:23 2009: Trying https://sunsolve.sun.com/ (5/15)
Wed Sep 9 09:50:23 2009: /usr/sfw/bin/wget "https://sunsolve.sun.com/pdownload.do?target=141919-02&method=h"; --execute https_proxy=http://proxy1.muc.infineon.com:81 --ca-certificate=/var/apache2/cgi-bin/pca-proxy.cgi --header="Authorization: Basic cnNrZWx0b246YnRjY3dqY2FndGU=" -O /var/apache2/htdocs/pca/141919-02.tmp >>/tmp/pca-proxy-debug.txt 2>&1 --09:50:23-- https://sunsolve.sun.com/pdownload.do?target=141919-02&method=h
          => `/var/apache2/htdocs/pca/141919-02.tmp'
Resolving proxy1.muc.infineon.com...
Connecting to proxy1.muc.infineon.com||:81... connected.
Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily
Location: https://getupdates2.sun.com/all_unsigned/141919-02.zip [following]
--09:50:25--  https://getupdates2.sun.com/all_unsigned/141919-02.zip
          => `/var/apache2/htdocs/pca/141919-02.tmp'
Connecting to proxy1.muc.infineon.com||:81... connected.
Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily
Location: https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/248/21808/15m/sun.download.akamai.com/21808/patches/patchroot/all_unsigned/141919-02.zip?AuthParam=1252486347_4ac168c3231307eeab0bc19f6763a316&TUrl=L0QdUQV8Z4i0fdED3QTP3SJDWA8FMyaJsHfIWf4X29kTWQpKEzIbwqFuyRPZ&TicketId=3q3ymVCONx5U&GroupName=SWUP&BHost=sdlc3g.sun.com&FilePath=/patches/patchroot/all_unsigned/141919-02.zip&File=141919-02.zip [following] --09:50:28-- https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/248/21808/15m/sun.download.akamai.com/21808/patches/patchroot/all_unsigned/141919-02.zip?AuthParam=1252486347_4ac168c3231307eeab0bc19f6763a316&TUrl=L0QdUQV8Z4i0fdED3QTP3SJDWA8FMyaJsHfIWf4X29kTWQpKEzIbwqFuyRPZ&TicketId=3q3ymVCONx5U&GroupName=SWUP&BHost=sdlc3g.sun.com&FilePath=/patches/patchroot/all_unsigned/141919-02.zip&File=141919-02.zip
          => `/var/apache2/htdocs/pca/141919-02.tmp'
Connecting to proxy1.muc.infineon.com||:81... connected.
Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 148,553 (145K) [application/zip]

0K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 34% 111.84 KB/s 50K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 68% 399.69 KB/s 100K .......... .......... .......... .......... ..... 100% 494.61 KB/s

09:50:29 (218.71 KB/s) - `/var/apache2/htdocs/pca/141919-02.tmp' saved [148553/148553]

Wed Sep  9 09:50:29 2009: Done

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