OK, well something is not right. A couple of things I notice: 1) We're not 
being sent to getupdates2; 2) we're not being sent to akamai.net. And though it 
would appear the patch downloaded, it's not. In fact, the size of the zip file 
is significantly smaller than the one Don O'Malley downloaded (ours = 28,405; 
Don's = 30,195,424):

/usr/local/bin/wget --no-check-certificate --http-user="xxxxxxxx" 
"https://sunsolve.sun.com/pdownload.do?target=119757-16&method=h"; -O 
--2009-09-23 11:26:35--  
Resolving sunsolve.sun.com...
Connecting to sunsolve.sun.com||:443... connected.
WARNING: cannot verify sunsolve.sun.com's certificate, issued by `/O=Sun 
Microsystems Inc/OU=VeriSign Trust Network/OU=Class 3 MPKI Secure Server 
CA/CN=Sun Microsystems Inc SSL CA':
  Self-signed certificate encountered.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily
--2009-09-23 11:26:36--  
Reusing existing connection to sunsolve.sun.com:443.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/html]
Saving to: `/opt/patches/119757-16.zip'

    [ <=>                                             ] 28,405      --.-K/s   
in 0.1s

2009-09-23 11:26:37 (267 KB/s) - `/opt/patches/119757-16.zip' saved [28405]

Jamen McGranahan
Systems Services Librarian
Vanderbilt University

From: pca-boun...@lists.univie.ac.at [mailto:pca-boun...@lists.univie.ac.at] On 
Behalf Of Don O'Malley
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 10:58 AM
To: PCA (Patch Check Advanced) Discussion
Subject: Re: [pca] Service Unavailable

Hi Jamen,

I constantly test the SunSolve patch download service every 15 mins and have 
not seen any issues over the past few days at all.

Can you try and download patch 119757-16 with wget?

It's working fine for me:

# /usr/sfw/bin/wget --no-check-certificate --http-user="xxxxxxx" 
 -O /tmp/119757-16.zip

--16:49:22--  https://sunsolve.sun.com/pdownload.do?target=119757-16&method=h

           => `/tmp/119757-16.zip'

Resolving sunsolve.sun.com...

Connecting to sunsolve.sun.com||:443... connected.

WARNING: Certificate verification error for sunsolve.sun.com: self signed 
certificate in certificate chain

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily

Location: https://getupdates2.sun.com/all_unsigned/119757-16.zip [following]

--16:49:25--  https://getupdates2.sun.com/all_unsigned/119757-16.zip

           => `/tmp/119757-16.zip'

Resolving getupdates2.sun.com...

Connecting to getupdates2.sun.com||:443... connected.

WARNING: Certificate verification error for getupdates2.sun.com: self signed 
certificate in certificate chain

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily



           => `/tmp/119757-16.zip'

Resolving a248.e.akamai.net...,

Connecting to a248.e.akamai.net||:443... connected.

WARNING: Certificate verification error for a248.e.akamai.net: unable to get 
local issuer certificate

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK

Length: 54,063,440 (52M) [application/zip]

55% [===================>                 ] 30,195,424   432.64K/s    ETA 00:42

While the 503 error does indeed indicate a server-side error, I'm just 
wondering if there is a proxy server between you and SunSolve (possibly one 
that does not support https requests) that you are attempting to access 
SunSolve through..


McGranahan, Jamen wrote:
We've been using PCA for several months now and it works really well. The past 
couple of days, however, we've not been able to download patches. We're getting 
ERROR 503: Service Unavailable. We're using the most current version of PCA.  
Last known successful download was Thursday, Sept 17 (our servers run PCA once 
a week, each at a different day). See below for details from one of our servers:

# pca.pl -i --debug
Option install: 1
Option patchdir: /exlibris/patches/.
Option user: -------------
Option passwd: --------------
Option syslog: local0
Option debug: 1
ARGV: missing
Version: 20090827-01
Config files: ./pca.conf pca.conf
Found /usr/local/bin/wget (1.11.4, 11104, https)
Using /usr/local/bin/wget
Prerequisites for threads not met, setting threads to 0
Never update
Expanded patch list: missing
xref mtime: Wed Sep 23 05:42:47 2009
xref now  : Wed Sep 23 08:37:52 2009
xref ctime: Wed Sep 23 06:55:33 2009
xref age  : 6139
Local file /var/tmp/patchdiag.xref is up to date
Reading from /usr/bin/showrev -p  2>/dev/null
Using /var/tmp/patchdiag.xref from Sep/22/09
119042-09 required by 119757: obsolete, replaced with 138217-01
138217-01 required by 119757: already installed
119254-51 required by 119757: already installed
121901-01 required by 119757: obsolete, replaced with 126538-01
126538-01 required by 119757: obsolete, replaced with 140899-01
140899-01 required by 119757: already installed
120011-09 required by 119757: already installed
139520-02 required by 119757: already installed
120201-04 required by 125719: already installed
118833-36 required by 140919: already installed
120011-14 required by 140919: already installed
127127-11 required by 140919: already installed
137137-09 required by 140919: already installed
139555-08 required by 140919: already installed
Host: acorn6 (SunOS 5.10/Generic_141414-10/sparc/sun4v)
List: missing (9/42)

Patch  IR   CR RSB Age Synopsis
------ -- - -- --- --- -------------------------------------------------------
119757 15 < 16 RS-   7 SunOS 5.10: Samba patch

Looking for 119757-16 (1/9)
Trying https://sunsolve.sun.com/ (1/1)
 --ca-certificate=./pca.pl --header="Authorization: Basic 
ZGFsZXBvdWx0ZXI6WE5wQ1JaNWc=" -O /exlibris/patches/./119757-16.tmp
--2009-09-23 08:38:05--  
Resolving sunsolve.sun.com...
Connecting to sunsolve.sun.com||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 503 Service Unavailable
2009-09-23 08:38:06 ERROR 503: Service Unavailable.

Failed (patch not found)

* Jamen McGranahan
* Systems Services Librarian
* Library Information Technology Services
* Vanderbilt University
* Suite 700
* 110 21st Avenue South
* Nashville, TN  37240
* (615) 343-1614
* (615) 343-8834 (fax)
* jamen.mcgrana...@vanderbilt.edu<mailto:jamen.mcgrana...@vanderbilt.edu>

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