
Unfortunately I don't have any confirmation on the pricing structure for the support plans, so all I can suggest for now is that you contact your local sales rep.
Sorry, I don't have anything more concrete to share here.

I can however confirm that once you have purchased hardware support (i.e an Oracle Premium System Plan), that you will have access to all hardware patches (not just hardware patches applicable to your specific machine), along with Solaris support.


Martin Paul wrote:
Jan Holzhueter wrote:
Martin Paul wrote:
and I've heard that it may cost like 20% of the price of the machine,
per year.
It's not that much. I read 12% for Hard- and Software and 8% for
Software only. But I still need to see a real price.

Better, but still about half the machine price for a usage period of 4 years. BTW, does anybody have heard about special conditions for research & education customers, both for hardware and support contracts?

Just want to know if they can download all firmware stuff or only the
System they have support for?

I'm 99.999% sure that the answer to this is "all firmware stuff", but a confirmation would be nice indeed.


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