Hello, about 4 or 5 weeks ago I asked if anyone know how to get a Sun
contract so servers could be updated.
I finally found the oracle government rep who said she had to generate a
quote for us.
That was about 4 weeks ago on the phone and I haven't heard anything yet and
this person hasn't replied to my email on.
Barring the snow storms I'm guessing folks back east are going to work.
Does anyone know of a Oracle/Sun rep who would like to make some money
selling a Sun software contract for 9 servers?
Apparently no one at Oracle is hungry for sales.
Nothing on the site to click and purchase unless you have Oracle/Sun on non
Oracle hardware.

 Eric R. Jones
DSN 315-243-4196

STICK \'stik\ n. 1: A boomerang that doesn't work.

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