
> So I'm using the ctime as a marker which notes when PCA last tried to update 
> the file.

I think it is the "tried" part that got me.

If I have a normal routine, it is to save a patchdiag.xref file and use it for 
all the servers, but for some things - such as LU patches - I always want the 
current patchdiag.xref file.  

I have notes containing many pca commands with various options.  In this case I 
was copying and pasting commands and inadvertently picked one using the current 
xref file when I intended to use the saved file.  Of course I realized this 
when pca displayed "Trying https ..." and stopped it with cntl-c.  Also, this 
server requires explicit routes for Oracle (route add ...) and the IPs have 
changed since last December, so pca was not going to succeed anyway.

Using BASH's "PS1='ex=$? \D{%m%d} \t \h \w \u \$'" here's the console output:

ex=0 1030 09:46:16 notme ~ notme $sudo /var/tmp/pca --list 149668 
--xrefdir="/var/tmp" --patchdir="/var/tmp/pcatmp"
Downloading xref file to /var/tmp/patchdiag.xref
Trying Oracle
Trying (1/1)
ex=1 1030 09:54:15 notme ~ notme $

Based on the end time (09:54:15) and the ctime of /var/tmp/patchdiag.xref 
(09:54:15) if looks like the pca error processing may have resulted in the 
updating of ctime.

ls -lcE  /var/tmp/patchdiag.xref
-rw-rw-rw-   1 root     root     2241259 2013-10-30 09:54:15.544509000 -0500 

Anyway, pca's debug option (-V) quickly revealed the problem with both the xref 
and the IPs I needed to add.

Glen Gunselman

(Note:  I checked the ctime for patchdiag.xref on several servers and it 
appears that NetBackup is causing ctime to be updated when the file is backed 

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