Dear PCE WG chairs,

                In the last PCE meeting, it was mentioned by the WG chairs that 
the function of LSP initiation by the PCE  (presented in the draft 
draft-crabbe-pce-pce-initiated-lsp-00) is out of the scope of current WG 
charter. Current IETF stateful PCE draft () supports the function of 
delegation, which is an operation to grant a PCE temporary rights to modify a 
subset of tunnel parameters on one or more PCC's tunnels. However, current 
charter ( says nothing about this 
function, but the draft was (surprisingly) quickly accepted as WG document. 
Current charter says "The PCE Working Group is chartered to specify the 
required protocols so as to enable a Path Computation Element (PCE)-based 
architecture for the computation of paths for MPLS and GMPLS Point to Point and 
Point to Multi-point Traffic Engineered LSPs." That is "computation", not 
control... So,  could you explain why initiation is not in charter and 
delegation of control is in charter?

                My opinion in the matter of the stateful PCE is that we should 
separate the functionality is different functional elements, in the same way as 
it was done in the Framework for PCE-Based Inter-Layer MPLS and GMPLS Traffic 
Engineering (RFC 5623) between a VNTM and the PCE. In such RFC, the roles of 
each functional element are clearly distinguished. Let be the stateful PCE a 
Path Computation element using the traffic engineering database and the LSP 
database, and then, define another functional element (call it LSP controller, 
call it manager) that is in care of the control issues.

                Said that, I must say that I like the new functionalities 
proposed , and I think they solve problems (and people also did like them, as 
the stateful draft was supported by the WG people). What I do not like at all 
is how it is being handled. There has been a solution quickly adopted without 
taking any care in the architectural/functional implications. In my opinion we 
should handle them now.

                Best Regards,



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