-----Original Message-----
From: zali <z...@cisco.com>
Date: Monday, March 11, 2013 3:18 PM
To: "cyril.marga...@nsn.com" <cyril.marga...@nsn.com>,
<draft-ali-pce-remote-initiated-gmpls-...@tools.ietf.org>, "pce@ietf.org"
Subject: Re: Comments on draft-ali-pce-remote-initiated-gmpls-lsp-00

>>I think the document has good material, but address several separated
>>points :
>>1.      Active Stateful PCE Applicability
>>2.      MPLS multi-layer aspects
>>I think the second point may have a document on its own, but the first
>>and third point  could be managed by merges.
>Like mentioned above, we are open to document rearrangement(s), if it
>simplify the process. At the moment this work is outside the scope of WG
>charter. I am sure in due time we will have more of such discussion and
>opinion from the WG. There are example where WG liked to keep GMPLS
>extensions separate from (packet) MPLS work.

Hi Margaria- 

Now that this is a chartered item, let's close on your comments.

We will update the document based on your comments received under this
thread. However, document restructuring also requires agreement from
authors/ drivers for the other drafts.

- (3) in above require merger of related text to
- (1) requires merger to stateful PCE draft.

Let's use this email to solicit feedback for authors of these draft if
they agree to the merge. I am fine, either-way but have a feeling that
separate document may remain a reality.


Regards Š Zafar

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