Support, have following suggestions...

Sec 1.  Introduction
   A PCE or a
   PCC operating as a PCE (in hierarchical PCE environment) computes
   paths for MPLS Traffic Engineering LSPs (MPLS-TE LSPs) based on
   various constraints and optimization criteria.

I find 'PCC operating as a PCE' confusing here, it doesn't add any value, 
perhaps you could say "A PCE or a set of cooperating PCEs compute ...."

Sec 3.  Overview of PCEP Operation in SR Networks
   o  An ordered set of both MPLS label(s) and IP address(es): In this
      case, the PCC needs to convert the IP address(es) into the
      corresponding SID(s) by consulting its TED.

Do you mean a combination of label and corresponding IP address? Or some nodes 
and links are represented as Labels and some with IP address? The description 
seems to suggest the latter in which case it might be stated more clearly. 

   Furthermore, an LSP initially established
   via RSVP-TE signaling can be updated with SR-TE path.  This
   capability is useful when a network is migrated from RSVP-TE to SR-TE
   technology.  Similarly, an LSP initially created with SR-TE path can
   updated to signal the LSP using RSVP-TE if necessary.

The procedure to do so should be stated, the Path Setup Type TLV with the new 
PST seems like an obvious solution, maybe this could be placed in 
draft-sivabalan-pce-lsp-setup-type as a generic mechanism. 

   The extensions specified in this document are applicable to the
   stateless PCE model defined in [RFC5440], as well as for the active
   stateful and passive stateful PCE models defined in

[I-D.ietf-pce-pce-initiated-lsp] can be added to this list as well. 

   The SR Capability TLV is meaningful only in the OPEN message sent
   from a PCC to a PCE.  

I think you mean the MSD value inside the SR capability TLV and not the full 
TLV itself?

Sec 5.3.  ERO Object

   Note that an SR-ERO subobject does not need to
   have both SID and NAI.  However, at least one of them MUST be

To handle this case you suggest...

      0                   1                   2                   3
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
     |L|    Type     |     Length    |  ST   |     Flags     |F|S|C|M|
     |                              SID                              |
     //                        NAI (variable)                       //

SR-ERO subobject may have only SID, only NAI or both, and you list the various 
combination of length possible for each ST type. 
The figure above doesn't reflect that, as SID looks permanent. 

Moreover, can the encoding be simplified by making SID encoding a must (as 
shown in the figure in the draft) with a suitable NULL value reserved for the 
case when SID is not present or simply the value is ignored when S flag is set. 

- Expand LDP, RSVP-TE on first use
- Update reference filsfils-rtgwg-segment-routing to 
- SID Type (ST) can be listed independently and not clubbed with NAI 
description in section 5.3.1

Hope the authors and WG find these useful.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pce [] On Behalf Of JP Vasseur (jvasseur)
> Sent: 14 September 2014 18:06
> To:
> Subject: [Pce] Adopting of draft-sivabalan-pce-segment-routing-03.txt as PCE
> WG Document
> Dear WG,
> We had several discussions showing a good consensus adopting draft-sivabalan-
> pce-segment-routing-03.txt and this work has considerably progressed in other
> WG.
> Are you in favor of adopting draft-sivabalan-pce-segment-routing-03.txt as a
> PCE WG document ?
> Thanks.
> JP and Julien.

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