Dear all,

As promised, Stephane, Olivier and I worked on a proposal for updating 
draft-ietf-pce-stateful-pce to handle the transition from stateless or 
router-computed to active-stateful operation for an LSP. More specifically, We 
are proposing the addition of a new section 5.8.3 describing extensions for the 

a.     support of use of PCReq/PCRep for an LSP which does not have an initial 
path and which the PCC intends to delegate to the PCE. The proposal here is to 
first use the same procedure as in passive-stateful mode of operation with a 
PCReq/PCRep followed by sending the PCRpt message.

b.    passing LSP constraints when delegating an LSP which already has a 
working path. While PCE does not need to compute a path immediately, it needs 
to save the constraints for the next opportunity to update the path. In this 
case, the PCRpt messages is enhanced to contains an additional set of the LSP 
parameters such as LSPA, Metric, Bandwidth, and IRO objects to report the 
original constraints of the LSP.

We are also proposing modifications to a couple of paragraphs in sections 5.8.2 
and 6.1 to clarify the use of the PCRpt message and of the ERO object in PCRpt 

We appreciate if the authors of the draft and members of this WG provide 




I.              New Section 5.8.3 - Reporting LSP Constraints on LSP transition 
from Stateless/Router-Computed to Active Stateful Modes of Operation

When an LSP transitions from a stateless or router-computed mode to an active 
stateful mode of operation and the LSP has no working path, PCC MUST first 
reuse the same procedure defined in passive stateful mode to request the 
initial path from PCE.

This additional step is required for two reasons. First, the action of 
delegating the LSP to a PCE using a PCRpt message is not an explicit request to 
PCE to compute a path for the LSP. The only explicit way for a PCC to request a 
path from PCE is to send a PCReq message as per RFC 5440. Second, the PCRpt 
message does not contains the original constraints of the LSP path as 
configured by the user on the router. The PCRpt message may contain the 
operational or computed values of those same objects in the attribute-list. For 
example, the hop-count Metric object included in the PCRpt message will contain 
the computed value for the current path of the LSP but will not contain the 
hop-count bound the user may have configured on the router for this LSP. Note 
that since in this case the LSP has no working path, it may even not include 
any of the Metric objects in the attribute-list of the PCRpt message.

To address the above situation, the PCReq message SHOULD include all the 
objects describing the current configuration of the LSP on the PCC : e.g. the 
relevant LSPA, Metric, Bandwidth, IRO, ... objects to convey the LSP path 
constraints to PCE. An implementation MAY allow policies on PCC to determine 
the configuration parameters to be sent to the PCE. The LSP object MAY also be 
included with the D-bit (Delegate bit) set to indicate to PCE that it intends 
to delegate this LSP. The PCE uses this indication to cache the constraint in 
these objects in anticipation of the subsequent PCRpt message which should 
confirm the delegation by setting the D-bit in the LSP object. The PCE may 
clear the cached information if no PCRpt message for that PLSP-ID is received 
within a finite amount of time.

When an LSP transitions from a stateless or router-computed to an active 
stateful mode of operation and  the LSP has a working path, there is no need to 
explicitly request a path from PCE at that point in time. While a PCC may 
decide to first use the passive stateful mode procedures as in the case above, 
there is no requirement for doing so. As such, this document defines an 
optional procedure by which the PCC can simply report the LSP constraints to 
the PCE in the PCRpt message. A PCC which supports this procedure MUST append 
an additional set of the relevant objects like LSPA, Metric, Bandwidth, and IRO 
objects, referred to as the request-list(1), in which it conveys the LSP path 
constraints to PCE.

A PCE that receives a PCRpt with the request-list should assume the values 
contained in the request-list are the actual constraints. The values in the  
request-list must update any corresponding value saved for that PLSP-ID in the 
LSP database. A PCE that receives a PCRpt without the request-list and that 
PLSP-ID has no saved constraints in the LSP database should assume the values 
contained in the attribute-list are the actual constraints. In either case, the 
constraint values can be overridden by PCE policy.

Note (1): RFC 5440 defines the request-list in the PCReq message as the above 
objects plus the RP and END-POINTS objects. As such we may need to refer to 
this differently. Maybe the constraint-list.

II.             Modifications to last paragraph in Section 5.8.2 - Active 
Stateful PCE LSP Update


   The PCRpt message MUST NOT be used by PCC to request a path from PCE.

   Standard PCReq as defined in RFC 5440 MUST be used instead.

   A PCC MUST however NOT send to any PCE a Path Computation Request for a

   once the LSP is delegated LSP.  Should the PCC decide it wants to issue a 

   Computation Request on a delegated LSP, it MUST perform Delegation

   Revocation procedure first.

III.            Modifications to sixth paragraph in Section 6.1 - The PCRpt 
   The intended path, represented by the ERO object, SHOULD be included in
   PCRpt by the PCC whenever the PCC has a valid, non-empty, ERO for the LSP.
   A valid ERO can be obtained by requesting a path from the local router CSPF 
   from PCE using the PCReq message before delegation as explained in Section 
   It can also be provided by local configuration on the router. A PCC MUST 
omit the
   ERO object otherwise. In all cases, a PCC MUST NOT send an empty ERO in a 
   message to PCE.
   The actual path, represented by the RRO object, SHOULD be included in
   PCRpt by the PCC when the path is up or active, but MAY be omitted if
   the path is down due to a signaling error or another failure.


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