Hi authors

I have a few actions that I need you to take on IPR before I can submit this 
draft for publication.

I see that there were two IPR disclosures against RFC 6006.  I assume that 
these also apply to draft-ietf-pce-rfc6006bis.  Please could you update the IPR 
system to reflect that?

Please could you confirm whether you are aware of any other IPR that applies to 
this draft, and if so, that a disclosure has been made?

When I run idnits on the draft, it spits out this warning:

== The document seems to contain a disclaimer for pre-RFC5378 work, but was
     first submitted on or after 10 November 2008.  The disclaimer is usually
     necessary only for documents that revise or obsolete older RFCs, and that
     take significant amounts of text from those RFCs.  If you can contact all
     authors of the source material and they are willing to grant the BCP78
     rights to the IETF Trust, you can and should remove the disclaimer.
     Otherwise, the disclaimer is needed and you can ignore this comment.
     (See the Legal Provisions document at
     http://trustee.ietf.org/license-info for more information.)

Please could you each confirm that you are willing to grant the BCP78 rights to 
the IETF trust?  Then we can remove the boilerplate and squash the warning.

Please CC the PCE mailing list with your replies.

Best regards

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