I think the case you describe is "complicated".
There are two possible arrangements of PCEs in what you describe.
1. Both PCEs can control the same PCC
2. The PCEs are "stacked" in a hierarchical way.
Then you are interested in what happens when the PCC goes down.
In case 2, the child PCE acts as a "buffer" for requests and commands from the
parent PCE that can't be immediately delivered to the PCC. I don't think any
changes in behaviour are needed.
In case 1 my question is about how PCE1 knows that the PCC is down. Presumably
the session went down. Now, PCE2 could be in active or passive standby mode.
1a. In active standby mode, PCE2 also has a session with the PCC so also knows
that the PCC is down. (It is an operational choice whether one is dominant.)
PCE1 and PCE2 do not need to coordinate on the status of the PCC, even though
they (obviously) do coordinate on the status of the LSPs. I don't think any
changes in behaviour are needed.
1b. In passive standby mode, PCE1 has a session to the PCC, but PCE2 would only
open a session when PCE1 fails or when the PCC contacts it. The PCEs will
coordinate (synchronise) their LSP-DBs, so the challenge here is when there is a
second order failure - the PCC is down *and* PCE2 needs to take over as primary.
In other words, when PCE2 takes over, it knows the state of the LSP but it
doesn't know whether that state is stale because of the PCC failure. However, I
think the first thing it does is try to connect to the PCC: if that fails it
should assume that the state of the LSP is unknown; when PCE2 does manage to
connect to the PCC it should verify the LSP state for all LSPs.
Note that there may also be some synchronisation windows. For example, PCE1 has
sent a PCInitiate to the PCC and the PCC has failed. PCE1 has no way to know
whether the LSP was set up before the failure and it was only the report that
was not received (actually, the PCE could discover this from inspection of the
rest of the network, but normally this is not done). In this case, PCE1 cannot
synch to PCE2 accurately using "normal" ideas of "LSP exists". But (of course)
it could synch *exactly* what it knows: viz. I tried to set up this LSP and I
don't know (yet) whether it was successful. (This window exists for all
Of course, there are always windows in the synchronisation procedure. For
example, PCE1 could issue a command to the PCC and fail before it manages to
synch to PCE2.
Some people might say that this is simply a DB synchronisation problem. While
synchronising final state is essential, there may be other things (such as
intended state, message exchanges, etc.) that could also be considered for
synchronisation.  In fact, a totally stable synchronisation requires synch'ing
intent to issue a command.
This is all a well-known and solved problem (for DB synch and for redundant
protocol components). The question for the WG is the trade-off between edge
cases and cost/complexity.
However, I don't think there is a change to PCE-PCC protocol.
From: [] 
Sent: 23 June 2017 08:09
To: Dhruv Dhody; Alexander Vainshtein;
Cc: Marina Fizgeer; Michael Gorokhovsky;;; Alexander
Subject: RE: [Pce] Is there any activity related to PCE graceful restart?
Hi Dhruv,
If the PCE keeps a "stale state" from the PCC, in the framework of state-sync,
we need a way to indicate to other PCEs that the state is stale, so if the
master PCE is another PCE, it will not try to update the state for this LSP
until  the PCC is back online.
From: Dhruv Dhody [] 
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2017 11:23
To: LITKOWSKI Stephane OBS/OINIS; Alexander Vainshtein;
Cc: Marina Fizgeer; Michael Gorokhovsky;;; Alexander
Subject: RE: [Pce] Is there any activity related to PCE graceful restart?
Hi Stephane, Sasha,
I agree with your overall assessment. 
Finer point inline. 
From: Pce [] On Behalf Of
Sent: 22 June 2017 13:44
To: Alexander Vainshtein <>;
Cc: Marina Fizgeer <>; Michael Gorokhovsky
<>;;; Alexander
Ferdman <>
Subject: Re: [Pce] Is there any activity related to PCE graceful restart?
Hi Sasha,
As Dhruv mentioned, restarting a PCE is not a big deal, we have already the
mechanism defined to handle this without traffic disruption.
Your email mentions also, PCC control plane restart which is a bit more tricky
>From a PCC point of view, I think you request the PCC to keep the dataplane
intact when the PCC process or RSVP process or IS-IS is getting down (during
failure or restart or upgrade.). For the PCC process, I think this could be
addressed by a purely local mechanism.
[[Dhruv Dhody]] I agree. IMO the PCC process can rebuild its state from a local
mechanism, say by data plane (SR label stack), by learning from TE manager,
RSVP-TE process etc. The session establishment with PCE should be triggered once
the state is build, so that state synchronization (and optimizations) work well.

And incase this is not possible, the traffic can continue to flow in the old
path till a new path is signaled after restart. Is there a case where the
traffic gets impacted and a protocol mechanism can solve it?
Now I see a case where the PCE needs to keep the state from a PCC when the PCC
restarts => 
[[Dhruv Dhody]] Also, when to delete the state learned from the PCC at the
Stateful PCE is also a local matter of the PCE. The State time out is specified
from PCC point of view, at PCE the behavior is up to the implementation. For
disjoint cases, good to keep the state longer at PCE :)
my favorite disjointness use case or any other use case where LSPs on other PCCs
depends on the LSP of the PCC which is restarting.
Let's say that PCC1 owns LSP1, PCC2 owns LSP2.
LSP1 and LSP2 depends of each other.
If the PCE loses the state of LSP1 because PCC1 restarts, it may reroute LSP2 on
a path that does not fulfill the dependency of the two LSPs anymore while at the
same time LSP1 was kept intact by PCC1 from a forwarding plane point of view.
Is it a critical issue ? During a transient period (the PCC restart), some LSPs
may not fulfil their constraint anymore. Does it justify extensions to the
protocol ?
I do not have a strong opinion on that: it's always a question of complexity to
introduce vs gain.
Adrian, Dhruv, did I miss something ? Am I wrong ?
From: Pce [] On Behalf Of Alexander Vainshtein
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 14:48
Cc: Michael Gorokhovsky;;; Marina Fizgeer; Alexander
Subject: Re: [Pce] Is there any activity related to PCE graceful restart?
Lots of thanks for a prompt response.
However, our primary interest is the control plane (including PCC) restart in a
network element with separated  control and forwarding planes. 
Specifically, my colleagues and I try to understand, how to make such a restart
non-traffic affecting while:
-          The network uses Segment Routing for setting up paths computed by the
PCE. This means that these paths are only known to their respective head-end
nodes. This situation is different from the scenario where RSVP-TE is used to
signal these paths, since they cannot be re-learned from the neighbors as part
of the RSVP-TE graceful restart procedures
-          The protocols used for distributing SR-related information (i.e., IGP
and BGP SR extensions) are GR-capable, and GR for them is enabled in the network
-          The PCE is an active stateful PCE, i.e., it instructs the head-end
node, which paths should be set up without any requests coming from the nodes. 
Hopefully this clarifies the context for our question.
It may well be that the requirement for non-traffic affecting control plane
restart can be addressed without any changed to the existing protocols.
Alternatively, it  is possible that some minor changes (like making the PCE
aware of separation between the control and forwarding planes, negotiation of GR
capabilities and grace periods etc.) are required. 
Any inputs would be highly appreciated.
Regards, and lots fo thanks in advance,
Office: +972-39266302
Cell:      +972-549266302
From: Adrian Farrel [] 
Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2017 8:34 PM
To: Alexander Vainshtein <>;;;
Cc: Marina Fizgeer <>; Michael Gorokhovsky
<>;; Alexander Ferdman
Subject: RE: [Pce] Is there any activity related to PCE graceful restart?
What are you hoping to achieve?
That a restarting PCE can retain its TED and LSP-DB?
That a restarting PCE can synch state with the network?
That a restarting PCE with outstanding (unanswered) messages in either direction
can not need to resend them?
That a restarting PCE can resend outstanding (unanswered) messages without
problems caused by duplication?
I think you may want to read around the definition of the request-id. Although
5440 doesn't make it explicit, a lot comes from how you process the request-id.
That "a lot" arose from consideration of parallel sessions and distilled to not
needing to write about restart.
Adrian (resurrecting old memories, possibly not entirely accurately)
From: Pce [] On Behalf Of Alexander Vainshtein
Sent: 18 June 2017 16:43
Cc: Marina Fizgeer; Michael Gorokhovsky;; Alexander Ferdman
Subject: Re: [Pce] Is there any activity related to PCE graceful restart?
Re-sending with the correct WG mailing list address.
Office: +972-39266302
Cell:      +972-549266302
From: Alexander Vainshtein 
Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2017 6:41 PM
To: '' <>;
'' <>; ''
Cc: 'p...@ietf.prg' <p...@ietf.prg>; Michael Gorokhovsky
<>; Marina Fizgeer <>;
Alexander Ferdman <>
Subject: Is there any activity related to PCE graceful restart?
Hi all,
My colleagues and I tried to find any work in the PCE WG related to PCEP
graceful restart.
So far, we did not succeed. This could mean one of the following:
-          Our search did not go deep enough. In this case pointers to any
specific documents would be highly appreciated
-          Such work does not exist because (for some reason) it is not
required. This looks problematic to me, especially if we deal with a stateful
active PCE and the path computed by the PCE was implemented using Segment
Routing (so that only the head end of the computed path is aware of the path).
However, I could have missed something obvious, and any clarifications would be
highly appreciated
-          Such work is required but, so far, nobody has taken care of it. The
implications are obvious:-(.
Your feedback would be highly appreciated.
Regards, and lots of thanks in advance,
Office: +972-39266302
Cell:      +972-549266302


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