Great, thanks! Given basically no other Ad have stated a position yet, I would 
actually recommend to submit the update now, so the other AD can review the 
next version.


> Am 31.07.2017 um 19:37 schrieb Dhruv Dhody <>:
> Hi Mirja, 
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Pce [] On Behalf Of Mirja Kühlewind
>> Sent: 31 July 2017 21:44
>> To: The IESG <>
>> Cc:;;;
>> Subject: [Pce] Mirja Kühlewind's No Objection on draft-ietf-pce-pceps-14:
>> (with COMMENT)
>> Mirja Kühlewind has entered the following ballot position for
>> draft-ietf-pce-pceps-14: No Objection
>> When responding, please keep the subject line intact and reply to all
>> email addresses included in the To and CC lines. (Feel free to cut this
>> introductory paragraph, however.)
>> Please refer to
>> for more information about IESG DISCUSS and COMMENT positions.
>> The document, along with other ballot positions, can be found here:
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> One high level comment:
>> As already mentioned by the gen-art review (Thanks Dale for the detailed
>> review!), for me the text was for a long time while reading not clear on
>> who starts the TLS negotiation. In think there is a statement missing that
>> a speaker/PCE that supports PCEPS and receives a StartTLS message MUST
>> reply with a StartTLS message and further the PCC MUST initiation the TLS
>> after reception of a StartTLS message from the PCC.
> [[[Dhruv Dhody]]] As part of handling of Dale's comments, this has been 
> clarified. 
> I have also added some text at the start of section 3.2 to make this super 
> clear. 
>> More minor/editorial comments:
>> 1) There are two cases where the behavior of speakers that do not support
>> PCEPS is specified, which is a bit non-sensical given that not support
>> probably means it does not follow this spec:
>> OLD
>> "If the PCEP speaker that does not support PCEPS, receives a StartTLS
>>   message, it MUST behave according to the existing error mechanism
>>   described in section 6.2 of [RFC5440] (in case message is received
>>   prior to an Open message) or section 6.9 of [RFC5440] (for the case
>>   of reception of unknown message)."
>> NEW
>> "If the PCEP speaker that does not support PCEPS, receives a StartTLS
>>   message, it will behave according to the existing error mechanism
>>   described in section 6.2 of [RFC5440] (in case message is received
>>   prior to an Open message) or section 6.9 of [RFC5440] (for the case
>>   of reception of unknown message)."
> [[[Dhruv Dhody]]] Ack, was updated as part of Gen-ART. 
>> and
>> OLD
>> "A PCEP speaker that does not support PCEPS or has learned the peer
>>   willingness to reestablish session without TLS, can send the Open
>>   message directly, as per [RFC5440]."
>> NEW
>> "A PCEP speaker that does not support PCEPS sends the Open message
>> directly, as per [RFC5440].
>> A PCEP speaker that supports PCEPS but has previously already learned the
>> peer
>>   willingness to reestablish session without TLS, MAY send the Open
>>   message directly, as per [RFC5440]."
> [[[Dhruv Dhody]]] Ack, updated. 
>> 2) As already mentioned in the gen-art review, I also think there should
>> be more text on what a host should do that uses StartTLS but gets an error
>> back.
>> This is defined previously in the document but given there is an own
>> section here, I would just recommend to re-iterate there. In other words
>> please add the proposed text!
> [[[Dhruv Dhody]]] Ack, updated.
>> 3) Why is this a MUST?
>> sec 8.1 "A PCE or PCC implementation MUST allow configuring the PCEP
>> security
>>   via TLS capabilities as described in this document."
>> Wouldn't a SHOULD be enough/better? Meaning that when PCEPS is
>> implemented and  turned on by default, I don't necessarily have to provide
>> a knob to turn it  off?
> [[[Dhruv Dhody]]] Agree, updated.
>> 4) Also related to the previous point
>> sec 8.2 "An implementation SHOULD allow the operator to configure the
>>   capability and various TLS related parameters, ..."
>> Probably this part of sentence should not be normative given this part is
>> (differently) specified in the previous section.
> [[[Dhruv Dhody]]] Ack, updated.
> Thanks Again! 
> The working copy and diff (handling gen-ART and your comments) are attached. 
> Regards,
> Dhruv
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