Dhruv, Marina,

In the new revision of the PCE segment routing draft (which I am about to 
submit) I have addressed comment (2) below by adding this text.

In section 6.2.1:
“If an ERO specifies a new SR-TE path for an existing LSP and the PCC 
determines that the ERO contains SR-ERO subobjects that are not valid, then the 
PCC MUST NOT update the LSP.”

In section
“If an ERO specifies a new SR-TE path for an existing LSP and the PCC 
encounters an error while processing the ERO, then the PCC MUST NOT update the 


From: Dhruv Dhody <dhruv.i...@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, 15 August, 2018 2:59 PM
To: Marina Fizgeer <marina.fizg...@ecitele.com>
Cc: pce@ietf.org; Siva Sivabalan (msiva) <ms...@cisco.com>; Clarence Filsfils 
(cfilsfil) <cfils...@cisco.com>; Jeff Tantsura <jefftant.i...@gmail.com>; 
wim.henderi...@alcatel-lucent.com; Jonathan Hardwick 
<jonathan.hardw...@metaswitch.com>; Michael Gorokhovsky 
<michael.gorokhov...@ecitele.com>; Alexander Vainshtein 
<alexander.vainsht...@ecitele.com>; Alexander Ferdman 
<alexander.ferd...@ecitele.com>; ron.sday...@ecitele.com; Dhruv Dhody 
Subject: Re: [Pce] PCE segment routing extension

Hi Marina,

I am the document shephered [1] for this I-D. I am working with the authors in 
the final stages towards RFC publication. Please see inline for my response.


[1] https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/pce/38-FbYFEE33bTP6-yUXkKKGN8xw

On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 5:22 PM Marina Fizgeer 
<marina.fizg...@ecitele.com<mailto:marina.fizg...@ecitele.com>> wrote:
Dear authors of draft-ietf-pce-segment-routing-12,

My colleagues and I are interested in some clarifications:

1.       In section 6.2.1 “If the first SR-ERO represents an MPLS label value 
then the NAI field MUST NOT be absent…”

In case of binding SID as first SR-ERO, it can be MPLS label only, without NAI.
[Dhruv]: I am working with the authors in removing the restriction, you will 
find my rationale in [1].
But also note that while preparing MPLS label stack at PCE, this label stack 
should be from the POV of the ingress PCC.

2.       This draft defines the new error codes related to SR-ERO conversion, 
that were not defined in previous version.
What is expected behavior of PCC in additional to sending error message.

For example:

In case PCUpd for PCE initiated LSP, PCE sends new SR-ERO objects to PCC. PCC 
shall validate and interpret the SR-ERO EROs.

If SR-EROs cannot be converted to an MPLS label stack and a next hop, PCC shall 
send PCErr message with Error-Type “Reception of an invalid object”.

What is expected handling of new SR-EROs in updating LSP – LSP shall stay with 
old SR-ERO objects or with new ones, but in down state?
[Dhruv]: I agree that this should be clearly stated. Keeping the principle of 
make before break, staying on wil old SR path makes sense!


Best regards,

Marina Fizgeer
Email: marina.fizg...@gmail.com<mailto:marina.fizg...@gmail.com>


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