Hi Mahendra,

This revision looks good. Thanks.


On 05/07/2019 06:40, Mahendra Singh Negi wrote:
> Hi Julien,
> Many thanks for the detailed review comments, we have fixed all the comments 
> and new version is posted, please find the new-version and version-diff links 
> below:
> Htmlized:       
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-pce-association-diversity
> Diff:           
> https://www.ietf.org/rfcdiff?url2=draft-ietf-pce-association-diversity-08
> To answer your question:
> Complementary question: why an optional behavior (SHOULD) instead of 
> mandatory (MUST)? ->   Yes MUST is appropriate and updated in the new version.
> Thanks,
> Mahendra
> -----Original Message-----
> From: julien.meu...@orange.com [mailto:julien.meu...@orange.com] 
> Sent: 28 June 2019 20:53
> Hi authors,
> Please find below my detailed comments on 
> draft-ietf-pce-association-diversity. I originally started to review -06. 
> Thanks for posting -07 after Dhruv's comments, as it addressed some on mine 
> as well.
> The main technical concern lies in section 4.6, in case no solution is found 
> by the PCE. Section 4.3, about SVEC, relies on PCRep with NO-PATH, which is 
> consistent with existing PCEP specification. IMHO, section 4.6 is confusing 
> and incomplete. What about the following?
>    [...] the PCE SHOULD
>    reply with a PCUpd message containing an empty ERO.  In addition to
>    the empty ERO Object, the PCE MAY add the NO-PATH-VECTOR TLV [...]
>     [...] the PCE MUST
>    reply to a request (PCEReq) with a PCRep message containing a NO-PATH
>    object. In case of network event leading to an impossible strict
>    disjointness, the PCE SHOULD send a PCUpd message containing an empty
>    ERO to the corresponding PCCs. In addition to the NO-PATH or the
>    empty ERO object, the PCE MAY add the NO-PATH-VECTOR TLV [...]
> Complementary question: why an optional behavior (SHOULD) instead of 
> mandatory (MUST)?
> Nits:
> ------
> Global and usual nit: the flag name. The I-D has a collection of X 
> flag/X-flag/X-Flag/flag X/etc that needs consistency. Many PCEP documents use 
> "X flag".
> ------
> Title
> ---
> - s/communication Protocol (PCEP) extension for signaling LSP diversity 
> constraint/Communication Protocol (PCEP) Extension for LSP Diversity 
> Constraint Signaling/
> ------
> Abstract
> ---
> - s/Communication Protocol/communication Protocol/
> - s/knows that LSPs in the same group/knows that the LSPs in the same group/
> - s/needs to/need to/
> ------
> 2. Terminology
> ---
> - s/Communication Protocol/communication Protocol/
> ------
> 3.  Motivation
> ---
> - s/above, consider that/above, let us consider that/
> - s/difficult. Whereas, computation/difficult, whereas computation/
> - s/These messages uses/These messages use/
> - s/the disjoint path computation/a disjoint path computation/
> - s/disjoint group-ids/disjoint group IDs/
> - s/should allow to overcome/allows to overcome/
> - s/association source could/the association source could/
> ------
> 4. Protocol extension
> ---
> - s/Protocol extension/Protocol Extension/
> - s/Association group/Association Group/
> - s/TLVs - Global Association Source or Extended Association ID are 
> included/TLVs - Global Association Source or Extended Association ID - are 
> included/
> - s/to uniquely identifying/to uniquely identify/
> - s/Association object -/Association object:/
> - s/[I-D.ietf-pce-association-group]
> specify/[I-D.ietf-pce-association-group] specifies/
> - s/in the PCEP messages/in PCEP messages/
> - s/Refer [I-D.ietf-pce-association-group]/Refer to 
> [I-D.ietf-pce-association-group]/
> - s/more LSPs. But a PCE/more LSPs, but a PCE/
> - s/in how many LSPs/in the number of LSPs/
> - s/vendor specific behavioral information/vendor-specific behavioral 
> information/
> - OLD
>          When unset, PCE is allowed to relax disjointness
>          by using either applying a requested objective function or any
>          other behavior if no objective function is requested (e.g.:
>          using a lower disjoint type (link instead of node) or relaxing
>          disjointness constraint fully)
>   NEW
>          When unset, the PCE is allowed to relax disjointness
>          by either applying a requested objective function (cf. section
>          4.4 below) or using any other behavior if no objective function
>          is requested (e.g. using a lower disjoint type (link instead of
>          node) or fully relaxing disjointness constraint).
> - s/The flags  L, N, and S/The L, N and S flags/
> - s/The flag P/The P flag/
> - s/the flag T/the T flag/
> - s/both SVEC and ASSOCIATION object/both SVEC and ASSOCIATION objects/
> - s/in SVEC object/in the SVEC object/
> - s/with NO-PATH object/with a NO-PATH object/
> - s/Disjointness objective functions/Disjointness Objective Functions/
> - s/The PCEP OF-List TLV allow/Whereas the PCEP OF-List TLV allows/
> - s/Incompatible OF codes/Incompatible OF code/
> - s/listed below -/listed below:/
> - The last example at the end of section 4.4 shows that the specification 
> doesn't prohibit redundant constraints. I would be nice to add a sentence 
> explicitly stating that in the previous paragraph.
> - s/P-flag considerations/P Flag Considerations/
> - s/fulfill the customer requirement/fulfill customer's requirements/
> - s/Consider, this customer/Let us consider that this customer/
> - s/( and/(and/
> - s/allows a simple expression that/allows to simply express that/
> - s/If PE->PE2/If PE1->PE2/
> - Many P-flag/P-Flag to be fixed in section 4.5.
> - s/Disjointness computation issues/Disjointness Computation Issues/
> - s/T-bit/T flag/  [x2]
> ------
> 5. Security Considerations
> ---
> - s/which do not/which does not/
> - s/defines following new PCEP TLVs/defines the following new PCEP TLVs/
> - s/PCEP-ERROR codes/PCEP-ERROR Codes/
> - s/defines new Error-Type and Error-Value/defines new Error-Value within 
> existing Error-Type/
> - s/Incompatible OF codes/Incompatible OF code/
> ------
> 8. Acknowledgements
> ---
> - s/to author of/to the authors of/
> ------
> Thanks,
> Julien
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