Thanks, Julien.

We have received a private communication from someone about the same section so 
the authors are going to take a little time to try to work over this section. 
We'll see whether our changes make enough difference to warrant re-polling that 
section with the WG.

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-----Original Message-----
From: Pce <> On Behalf Of
Sent: 15 November 2019 15:02
Subject: [Pce] Shepherd Review of draft-ietf-pce-pcep-flowspec

Dear authors,

Thank for addressing the comments received during WG LC and RtgDir
reviews. Technically, the I-D looks almost ready.

I still have one pending question, related to section 8.7. (Priorities
and Overlapping Flow Specifications). I understand this section as
"priorities within PCEP-installed flow specs follow the same ordering
rules as BGP-installed flow specs, i.e. [RFC5575]". Let us now look at a
device supporting both protocols to install flow specs:
- Is there an implicit scope associated to each set of flow specs making
them mutually exclusive?
- If both sets can overlap, can we assume that priority rules do not
care about the protocol used to install the flow specs?
Adding a couple of sentences may be enough to clarify that.

Please find below a few additional nits.
1. Introduction
- The abstract uses "traffic engineered networks", the intro "traffic
engineering networks". I do not have any strong preference, but
consistency would be welcome. (By the way, no hyphen in
- s/to Generalized MPLS (GMPLS) networks/to Generalized MPLS
(GMPLS)-controlled networks/
- s/about the the LSPs/about the LSPs/

- OLD:
   The data flows
   intended for a tunnel can be described using Flow Specification
   Components, and when PCEP is in use for tunnel initiation it makes
   sense for that same protocol to be used to distribute the Flow
   Specification Components that describe what data is to flow on those
   The data flows
   intended for a tunnel can be described using Flow Specification
   Components; when PCEP is in use for tunnel initiation, it makes
   sense for that same protocol to be used to distribute the Flow
   Specification Components that describe what data is to flow on those
3.2. Elements of Procedure
- s/in each case including whether/in each case. This includes whether/
6. Flow Filter TLV
   Only one Flow Filter TLV can be
   present and represents the complete definition of a Flow
   Specification for traffic to be placed on the tunnel indicated by the
   PCEP message in which the PCEP Flow Spec Object is carried.
   Only one Flow Filter TLV can be
   present and represents the complete definition of a Flow
   Specification for traffic to be placed on a tunnel; this tunnel is
   indicated by the PCEP message in which the PCEP Flow Spec Object
   is carried.
7. Flow Specification TLVs
[Page 14]
"Two bit flags (S and G) are defined.  They have the common meanings for
wildcarding in multicast."
-> At least a reference would be appreciated to teach about what
"common" refers to.

[Page 15]
  "if a Multicast Flow
   Specification TLV is received with S bit = 0 and G bit = 1 the
   receiver SHOULD respond"
-> Is there a reason why it is not a MUST?
13. Manageability Considerations
- s/view the the Flow Specifications/view the Flow Specifications/
- s/implementations MUST support indicating/implementations MUST
indicate/  [Guessing it was wrongly fixed in -06.]




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