Hi Hooman,

Please keep in mind that adoption isn't a prerequisite to start getting
input. You've already started to get some. Technical discussion on the
list is part of the normal working process and it helps the chairs to
gauge WG consensus.

Note the adoption queue on the wiki page. If you want to progress your
work, please consider both actions:
- helping flushing the queues by sharing your feedback on the mailing
list, especially during adoption polls and WG last calls;
- socializing your I-D by addressing received comments: that doesn't
mean including every single suggestion, but in case the authors disagree
with a point made, the WG deserves some elaboration.



On 09/02/2021 16:06, Bidgoli, Hooman (Nokia - CA/Ottawa) wrote:

> HB> sure this is cosmetics and we will follow the WG suggestion, that said 
> this should not stop the adaptation call. The sooner we have adaptation call 
> the sooner we can have input.
> HB> to close, as you mentioned some of the co-authors have vast experience in 
> PCE WG and the same co-authors have agreed and recommended ERO 
> implementation. As such I ask the chairs for adaptation call again ASAP. We 
> will fix the cosmetics to be inline with WG recommendations asap.


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