Hi Tom,

Thanks a lot for your review, the -03 version should address your prior 
comments. Please log any new comments against the -03 version.


-----Original Message-----
From: Pce <pce-boun...@ietf.org> On Behalf Of tom petch
Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 7:33 AM
To: julien.meu...@orange.com
Cc: pce@ietf.org
Subject: Re: [Pce] Early code point allocation for 

From: Pce <pce-boun...@ietf.org> on behalf of tom petch <ie...@btconnect.com>
Sent: 19 February 2021 12:30
To: julien.meu...@orange.com
Cc: pce@ietf.org
Subject: Re: [Pce] Early code point allocation for 

From: julien.meu...@orange.com <julien.meu...@orange.com>
Sent: 18 February 2021 10:35

Hi Tom,

Thank you for your valuable feedback.


The more I look, the less I like it.

This I-D asks for an error code for missing mandatory TLV, a category which PCE 
has defined  as Error-Type 6 and is referenced  by such as pce-vn-association.

Why does this I-D put missing mandatory TLV in a different Error-Type?

I will raise some more issues next week.

Tom Petch

Some of the issues you point out are easy to address and we've already 
requested the authors to revise the I-D accordingly. To fully resolve your 
concern, could you please point any other specific parts where you feel you 
have to "interpret the words the way you think they should have been"? If you 
even have some text to suggest, that could smoothly ease the update.

At a first glance,

RFC8697 names three  columns for the registry; those names do not appear here.

The new association type is given a different identifier in different places.  
The preferred identifier needs to be nailed down since it is going into IANA 
forthwith and will be confusing to change thereafter.

This requests new error values  under Association Error  and specifies a Type 
of 29.  RFC8697 specifies a Type of 26 (29 is Path Computation Failure).

'Conflicting SRAG TLV' I find rather vague; conflicting with what?  Likewise 
'Multiple SRPAG from one LSP'

This document defines five new TLVs
That is TBD3, TBD4, TBD11, TBD5 and ....

RFC8697 specifies the names of the fields in the registry,  Those names are not 
used here.

'as of the time of writing' will change its meaning as the I-D progresses; date 

'is only meant to be used'

'Policy Identifiers uniquely identify..
Policy Identifiers consist of Color.. Endpoint, optionally the policy hame.
So if one is Color red, Endpoint NY no policy name and then one is requested 
for Color red, Endpoint NY, policy name standby that is a different triplet and 
so valid.  Mmm. I can see that being mis-implemented


'is meant to strictly correspond'

This document specifies four new TLVs...
These five TLVs .....

These five TLVs encode the Policy Identifiers, SR Policy name, Candidate path 
identifiers, candidate path name and Candidate path preference..
That is five TLV. Wrong! That is four TLV and something completely different.

When any of the mandatory TLVs
Only one TLV is listed as mandatory SRPOLICY-CPATH-ID.

At most only one .. can be carried
and then goes on to describe the carriage of  more than one; 'Only one ... 
SHOULD be present in a ... (whatever identifier you fix on) message.  If more 
than one is present, only the first is processed and subsequent ones are 
silently discarded.

A Normative Reference to an unadopted I-D that expires next week is not a good 

Like I said, the word that came to my mind was 'sloppy':-(

Tom Petch


Dhruv & Julien

On 17/02/2021 12:46, tom petch wrote:
> <snip>
> <tp>
> I am sure that IANA will cope because they always do, but it will be by 
> reading between the lines, applying intelligence to what the authors may have 
> meant, and so on.  Editorially this is a poor I-D (as yet), and that quality 
> verges on the technical aspects.
> Thus 7.3 says the I-D defines five new TLV and lists four; this also occurs 
> in the body of the I-D.  A reader might also notice the absence of TBD2 and 
> wonder.
> Or the new Association.  Thus needs an identifier.  Trouble is, the I-D uses 
> (at least) three different ones; this looseness of terminology can lead to 
> problems down the line.  (MPLS I see as a classic in how not to specify IANA 
> registries and I see this heading the same way).
> Likewise the identifiers used in s.7 do not match those in current use, a 
> good way of storing up future trouble.
> Is the specification adequate?  Only if you do not take it literally and 
> interpret the words the way you think they should have been.
> Tom Petch

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