
I would like to call your attention to a new ID
which describes using a stack-based approach (similar to segment routing) to 
time sensitive networking.
It furthermore proposes combining segment routing with this approach to TSN
resulting in a unified approach to forwarding and scheduling.

The draft is information at this point, since it discusses the concepts and 
does not yet pin down the precise formats.

Apologies for simultaneously sending to 3 lists,
but I am not sure which WG is the most appropriate for discussions of this 

  *   DetNet is most relevant since the whole point is to control end-to-end 
latency of a time-sensitive flow.
  *   Spring is also directly relevant due to the use of a stack in the header 
and the combined approach just mentioned.
  *   PCE is relevant to the case of a central server jointly computing an 
optimal path and local deadline stack.
I'll let the chairs decide where discussions should be held.


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