I support publication of this draft.

Looking at the Datatracker this draft has had a very long journey from 2012
and almost at the end of the tunnel.  PCEP has also evolved as well with
stateless PCE in 2017.

This draft provides a PCEP extension extension for GMPLS networks with a
stateful PCE capability bit for  S and I flag, new LSP identifier XRO sub
object, new B flag for SRP object for co-routed paths and new PCEP error

Extremely valuable specification for operators provisioning of OTN, and
very good to see one implementation.

Kind Regards

On Wed, Jan 19, 2022 at 3:47 PM Adrian Farrel <adr...@olddog.co.uk> wrote:

> Hi,
> It's been a journey for this draft! July 2012 :-)
> Glad that we are finally in a place to last call it, and excellent to
> know there is an implementation.
> Here is my review in support of the last call. You'll see that my minor
> points are essentially editorial (i.e., not asking to change the
> functional behaviour described in the document). There are also some
> nits. With these issues fixed, I think the document is ready to
> proceed.
> Best,
> Adrian
> ===
> == Minor ==
> 6.
> You need text in this section as...
>    This section uses Routing Backus-Naur Form (RBNF) [RFC5511] to
>    describe message formats.
> But note that the comments below might do away with the RBNF!
> ---
> 6.1
> It is really hard to tell what this document has changed over RFC 8231.
> I don't think you should repeat what is already defined, and, as far as
> I can tell, nothing in the RBNF has changed.
> That means the section should read...
>    The format of the PCRpt message is unchanged from Section 6.1 of
>    [RFC8231].  However, some of the objects are extended for use with
>    this document as follows:
> Then, I think you list and describe:
>      <intended-path>
>      <actual-attribute-list>
>      SRP
> But not:
>      <actual-path>
>      <intended-attribute-list>
> However, note that you have
>      <intended-attribute-list> is the attribute-list defined in
>    Section 6.5 of [RFC5440] and extended by PCEP extensions.
> ...which is meaningless!
> ---
> Similarly in 6.2
>    The format of the PCUpd message is unchanged from Section 6.2 of
>    [RFC8231].  However, some of the objects are extended for use with
>    this document as follows:
> Then, I think you list and describe:
>       <intended-path>
> But not:
>       <intended-attribute-list>
> However, note that you have
>      <intended-attribute-list> is the attribute-list defined in
>    Section 6.5 of [RFC5440] and extended by PCEP extensions.
> ...which is meaningless!
> I wonder why there is no pointer to SRP in 7.2.3 from this section.
> ---
> The same applies in 6.3, but the text about what has changed is
> more complicated.
> I think...
>    The format of the PCInitiate message is unchanged from Section 5.1 of
>    [RFC8281].  However, note the following:
>    o  The END-POINTS object was been extended by [RFC8779] to include a
>       new object type called "Generalized Endpoint".  A PCInitiate
>       message used to trigger a GMPLS LSP instantiation MUST use that
>       extension.
>    o  A PCInitiate message sent by a PCE to a PCC to trigger a GMPLS LSP
>       instantiation MUST include the END-POINTS with Generalized Endpoint
>       object type (even though it is marked as optional in the message
>       definition.
>    o  The END-POINTS object MUST contain a "label request" TLV per
>       [RFC8779].  The label request TLV is used to specify the switching
>       type, encoding type and G-PID of the LSP being instantiated by the
>       PCE.
>    o  If unnumbered endpoint addresses are used for the LSP being
>       instantiated by the PCE, the unnumbered endpoint TLV [RFC8779]
>       MUST be use to specify the unnumbered endpoint addresses.
>    o  The END-POINTS MAY contain other TLVs defined in [RFC8779].
> ---
> There is a discrepancy between 5.1, 7.2.1, and 10.1.  In 10.1, you
> correctly ask IANA to allocate TBD1 and TBD2.  In 5.1 you refer to
> the new bits as TBD1 and TBD2, but in 7.2.1 you:
> - Do not refer to TBD1 or TBD2
> - Use a figure to specifically imply values for TBD1 and TBD2
> I suggest that you:
> - remove the figure
> - mention TBD1 and TBD2 in the text
> ---
> 7.2.2
> Will you ask IANA to maintain a registry for the Flags field?
> ---
> 7.2.2
> You have
>    This sub-object is OPTIONAL in the exclude route object (XRO) and
>    can be present multiple times.  When a stateful PCE receives a PCReq
>    message carrying this sub-object, it SHOULD search for the
>    identified LSP in its LSP-DB and then exclude from the new path
>    computation all resources used by the identified LSP.
> Your use of "SHOULD" here implies that an implementation has a choice to
> do something different. You need to say:
> - what different thing MAY a PCE do?
> - why might it make that choice?
> (Or make this "MUST")
> ---
> 7.2.3 refers to TBD6, but 10.3 has TBD4
> ---
> In 8.1 and 8.2 you have that the PCE SHOULD do things without specifying
> what else it might do and why.  You also have some cases of lower case
> "should" which don't seem right.
> ---
> 8.3 has
>    If the PCC does not support the END-POINTS Object of type
>    Generalized Endpoint, the PCC MUST send a PCErr message with Error-
>    type = 3(Unknown Object), Error-value = 2(unknown object type).
> I think this is not new behaviour so you need to point to the spec that
> defines this with "...per [RFC5440]..."
> == Nits ==
> Throughout
> Please be careful with "sub-object" and "subobject"
> ---
> 1.
> s/and does not cover the GMPLS/and do not cover GMPLS/
> ---
> 1. Final paragraph
> Introduce a new paragraph break before "This document focuses..."
> ---
> 1.
> s/Protocol extensions is included/Protocol extensions are included/
> ---
> 3.
> s/PCE, PCUpd message/PCE, a PCUpd message/
> s/delegated to PCE/delegated to the PCE/
> s/by the PCC to PCE/from the PCC to the PCE/
> ---
> 3.
>     Furthermore, the Initiation of PCEP are
> Is that...
>     Furthermore, the Initiation of PCEP sessions are
> ...or...
>     Furthermore, the Initiation phase of PCEP is
> ...or...
>     Furthermore, the PCInitiate PCEP message is
> ...or...
>     Furthermore, the LSP Initiation function of PCEP is
> ---
> 3.
> s/to initiate the LSP establishment/to initiate LSP establishment/
> ---
> 3.
>    Some of these Objects/TLVs
>    may require modifications to incorporate stateful PCE where
>    applicable
>    Where these Objects/TLVs
>    require modifications to incorporate stateful PCE, they are
>    described in this document.
> ---
> 4.
> s/were covered in [RFC8231]/are covered in [RFC8231]/
> s/provides extension for/provides extensions for/
> s/capable to indicate/capable of indicating/
> s/capabilities per TE/capabilities a per TE/
> ---
> 4.
>         Such information would be needed for
>         PCEP message.
>         Such information would need to be included
>         in various PCEP messages.
> ---
> 4.
> s/some technologies path/some technologies, path/
> s/Stateful PCEP message also/Stateful PCEP messages also/
> ---
> 5. Overview of PCEP Extensions for GMPLS Networks
> I think this might be
> 5. Overview of Stateful PCEP Extensions for GMPLS Networks
> ---
> 5.1
> s/introduced as flag/introduced as flags/
> ---
> 5.2
> s/attributes include bandwidth/attributes including bandwidth/
> s/modified LSP during/modified LSPs during/
> ---
> 5.4
> s/stateful PCE mechanism/stateful PCE mechanisms/
> ---
> 6.1
> s/current state of LSP/current state of an LSP/
> ---
> 7.2.1
> The figure seems to have superfluous blank lines
> ---
> 7.2.2
> Would be nice if this section was called
> 7.2.2. New LSP Exclusion Subobject in the XRO
> ---
> 7.2.2
> The figure calls the field "Flag" but the text has "Flags"
> ---
> 7.2.2
>      Reserved: MUST be transmitted as zero and SHOULD be ignored on
>      receipt.
> There is no reserved field shown in the figure.
> *From:* Pce <pce-boun...@ietf.org> *On Behalf Of *Dhruv Dhody
> *Sent:* 18 January 2022 13:17
> *To:* pce@ietf.org
> *Cc:* draft-ietf-pce-pcep-stateful-pce-gm...@ietf.org; pce-chairs <
> pce-cha...@ietf.org>
> *Subject:* [Pce] WGLC for draft-ietf-pce-pcep-stateful-pce-gmpls-16
> Hi WG,
> This email starts a 2-weeks working group last call
> for draft-ietf-pce-pcep-stateful-pce-gmpls-16 [1].  Please indicate your
> support or concern for this draft. If you are opposed to the progression of
> the draft to RFC, please articulate your concern. If you support it, please
> indicate that you have read the latest version and it is ready for
> publication in your opinion. As always, review comments and nits are most
> welcome.
> The WG LC will end on 1st Feb 2022.
> A general reminder to the WG to be more vocal during the
> last-call/adoption and help us unclog our queues :)
> Thanks,
> Dhruv & Julien
> [1]
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-pce-pcep-stateful-pce-gmpls/
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*Gyan Mishra*

*Network Solutions A**rchitect *

*Email gyan.s.mis...@verizon.com <gyan.s.mis...@verizon.com>*

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