Hi Tom,

The question lies in today's context. If the context was to change much in the future, we could of course reconsider the situation based on the new elements we'd face.
As a result, you're clearly voicing for option a.

ThankĀ  you,


On 30/09/2022 09:25, tom petch wrote:

Well, I think that you should be more concerned about fate sharing after 
publication, which, long as it may take to get there, can still be much shorter 
than the time after publication.   I think that there are plenty of documents 
where disparate information with different life cycles has been banged together 
creating future problems.  Here, I am not sure that this is the case.  The 
document is short and so a complete reissue should not be a lot of work which 
inclines me  towards a single I-D in two parts.

I wonder if during the course of preparation,  further issues arise so that the 
document may never be quite up-to-date, but that is hypothetical.

Tom Petch


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