Hello Team,

I found below  highlighted text in RFC 8231:

*6.2 <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8231#section-6.2>.  The
PCUpd Message, page- 29*

   The PCC SHOULD minimize the traffic interruption and MAY use the

   make-before-break procedures described in [RFC3209
<https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3209>] in order to

   achieve this goal.  If the make-before-break procedures are used, two

   paths will briefly coexist.  The PCC MUST send separate PCRpt

   messages for each, identified by the LSP-IDENTIFIERS TLV.  When the

   old path is torn down after the head end switches over the traffic,

   this event MUST be reported by sending a PCRpt message with the

   LSP-IDENTIFIERS-TLV of the old path and the R bit set.  The

   SRP-ID-number that the PCC associates with this PCRpt MUST be

   0x00000000.  Thus, a make-before-break operation will typically

   result in at least two PCRpt messages, one for the new path and one

   for the removal of the old path (more messages may be possible if

   intermediate states are reported).

So, as per the  highlighted  text above, *in case of MBB, the 2nd PCRpt(old
path) that is torn down needs to set SRP-ID to 0.*
Does this behavior apply to both RSVP-TE and SR-TE LSP?

Thanks & Regards,
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