Title: Input for OTNT Standardization Work Plan Issue 32
Submission Date: 2023-11-15
URL of the IETF Web page: https://datatracker.ietf.org/liaison/1881/

From: Deborah Brungard <db3...@att.com>
To: tsbs...@itu.int,hiroshi....@itu.int
Cc: Julien Meuric <julien.meu...@orange.com>,Vishnu Beeram 
<vbee...@juniper.net>,Fatai Zhang <zhangfa...@huawei.com>,Oscar de Dios 
<oscar.gonzalezded...@telefonica.com>,Scott Mansfield 
<scott.mansfi...@ericsson.com>,Dhruv Dhody <d...@dhruvdhody.com>,Common Control 
and Measurement Plane Discussion List <cc...@ietf.org>,Lou Berger 
<lber...@labn.net>,itu-t-liai...@iab.org <itu-t-liai...@iab.org>,Daniele 
Ceccarelli <daniele.i...@gmail.com>,Jim Guichard 
<james.n.guich...@futurewei.com>,John Scudder <j...@juniper.net>,Path 
Computation Element Discussion List <pce@ietf.org>,Deborah Brungard 
<db3...@att.com>,Andrew Alston <andrew-i...@liquid.tech>,Traffic Engineering 
Architecture and Signaling Discussion List <t...@ietf.org>,Luis Contreras 
Response Contacts: Deborah Brungard <db3...@att.com>
Technical Contacts: 
Purpose: In response

Referenced liaison: LS on OTNT Standardization Work Plan Issue 32 

Body: The following information has been identified by the working group chairs 
as appropriate input for the OTNT Standardization Workplan.

The Datatracker links below will navigate to a page that contains the latest 
version of the draft along with version history for the draft.


A YANG Data Model for Bandwidth Availability Topology
draft-ietf-ccamp-bwa-topo-yang-01 - A YANG Data Model for Bandwidth 
Availability Topology

A YANG Data Model for Interface Reference Topology
draft-ietf-ccamp-if-ref-topo-yang-01 - A YANG Data Model for Interface 
Reference Topology

For PCE:

Updates for PCEPS: TLS Connection Establishment Restrictions
draft-ietf-pce-pceps-tls13-02 - Updates for PCEPS: TLS Connection Establishment 

PCEP Extension for Stateful Inter-Domain Tunnels
draft-ietf-pce-stateful-interdomain-04 - PCEP Extension for Stateful 
Inter-Domain Tunnels

Path Computation Element Protocol (PCEP) Extension for Color
draft-ietf-pce-pcep-color-02 - Path Computation Element Protocol (PCEP) 
Extension for Color


A Framework for Network Slices in Networks Built from IETF Technologies
draft-ietf-teas-ietf-network-slices-25 - A Framework for Network Slices in 
Networks Built from IETF Technologies

IETF Network Slice Controller and its associated data models
draft-ietf-teas-ns-controller-models-01 - IETF Network Slice Controller and its 
associated data models

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