Hi Quan,

What about modifying that statement from:

“PCEP extensions described in this document are applicable to all Path Setup 

To something like:

“PCEP extensions described in this document are not restricted to any specific 
Path Setup Type.”
“PCEP extensions described in this document can be used with any Path Setup 

That way we will not really say that it is applicable to all, but at the same 
time we will not block anybody from using it if required with any other setup 
type in the future?

(I would still prefer not going into route of excluding/including specific 
setup types).

Thanks a lot,

From: xiong.q...@zte.com.cn <xiong.q...@zte.com.cn>
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2023 7:09 AM
To: Samuel Sidor (ssidor) <ssi...@cisco.com>
Cc: draft-sidor-pce-circuit-style-pcep-extensi...@ietf.org; 
d...@dhruvdhody.com; pce@ietf.org
Subject: Re: [Pce] WG Adoption of 

Hi Samuel,

Thanks for your detailed explanation!

I am not sure either about the PCECC and BIER-TE. To me that I may recall, for 
example( maybe not right), the path-recomputation TLV is in the request message 
from PCC to PCE, but there is no request message in PCECC mode. And for 
BIER-TE, it may has no requirement for path recomputation.

I agree that a lot of PCEP objects/TLVs which are defined generically. But It 
may be not appropriate to state that they are applicable to all Path Setup 
Types. The extensions can be used when it is required in any of path setup type.

It looks both good to me if you keep or drop the sentence. Thanks!

Best Regards,


From: SamuelSidor(ssidor) <ssi...@cisco.com<mailto:ssi...@cisco.com>>
To: 熊泉00091065;
Date: 2023年12月14日 18:16
Subject: RE: [Pce] WG Adoption of 
Hi Guan,

By any chance, do you know about some specific reason why we would have to 
block for example path-recomputation TLV for BIER-TE or PCECC?

To me something like ability to block path re-computation on PCE for specific 
LSP is generic extension. Whether there is practical use for specific path 
setup type is different question, but we don’t need to block such extension 
because of that (we have a lot of PCEP objects/TLVs which are defined 
generically and just not usable for LSPs of specific setup type).

I personally consider having explicit list of supported path-setup types as 
less future proof (that’s why I modified based on comment from Dhruv to all 
setup types as I considered it as cleaner solution).

For Strict-path flag from section 3.1 – that is slightly more questionable, but 
in general we are again talking only about bringing up O flag from RP object 
from stateless messages (PCReq/PCRep) to stateful messages 
(PCRpt,PCUpd,PCinit). So something what was already supposed to be supported by 
all setup types.

So is there really something what needs to be explicitly blocked? I can rather 
imagine explicitly defining behavior for specific setup type (like BIER-TE or 
PCECC) for any of those extensions if we can see added value in using it, but 
behavior is not clear (that can be still done after adoption and discussion 
with PCE WG or authors of RFCs/drafts introducing those setup types).


From: xiong.q...@zte.com.cn<mailto:xiong.q...@zte.com.cn> 
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2023 10:22 AM
To: Samuel Sidor (ssidor) <ssi...@cisco.com<mailto:ssi...@cisco.com>>
Subject: Re: [Pce] WG Adoption of 

Hi Samuel,

Thanks for your quick reply!

Yes, I agree with you. The extensions may be applicable for 
RSVP-TE,SR,SRv6,native IP, but I am not sure about it with BIER-TE and PCECC.

It works well for me to explicitly describe for each extension whether it is 
generic or applicable to specific setup type.

Thanks for your work!

Best Regards,


From: SamuelSidor(ssidor) <ssi...@cisco.com<mailto:ssi...@cisco.com>>
To: 熊泉00091065;
Date: 2023年12月14日 16:27
Subject: RE: [Pce] WG Adoption of 
Hi Quan,

(sorry I sent it before finishing mail)

Originally we listed explicitly only RSVP-TE and SR-TE and then we modified 
based on comments from Dhruv to all setup types (attached mail).

Extensions covered in this draft were introduced to support required extensions 
for CS policies, but at least some of those extensions (if specific section is 
not describing something else) is potentially applicable to other setup types. 
E.g. extensions from section 3.2 for blocking re-computation.

We can still drop that specific statement and explicitly describe for each 
extension whether it is generic or applicable to specific setup type only. 
Would that work for you?


From: Samuel Sidor (ssidor)
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2023 9:24 AM
To: xiong.q...@zte.com.cn<mailto:xiong.q...@zte.com.cn>; 
Subject: RE: [Pce] WG Adoption of 

Hi Quan,

Originally we explicitly listed

From: Pce <pce-boun...@ietf.org<mailto:pce-boun...@ietf.org>> On Behalf Of 
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2023 7:53 AM
To: d...@dhruvdhody.com<mailto:d...@dhruvdhody.com>
Subject: Re: [Pce] WG Adoption of 

Hi Dhruv,

I support the adoption of this draft. Thanks for the work from authors.

But I am confused about section 1 "PCEP extensions described in this document 
are applicable to all Path   Setup Types".

This draft mainly focus on the Circuit Style Policies and SR policy but path 
setup types include RSVP-TE,SR,PCECC,SRv6, Native IP TE path  and the newly 
adopted BIER-TE.

I suggest that it is better to provide clarification about other path setup 
types or remove this sentence.



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