Dear all,

We have just updated draft-contreras-pce-pam in the following way:

- we have changed the approach moving from extending existing METRIC object to 
proposing a new PRECISION METRIC object. The reason for that is we consider it 
as a cleaner approach, also allowing clearer structure.

- we have also addressed the question raised by Dhruv (as chair) at IETF 118 
about the convenience of including some example.

- editorial clean-up.

With this we think all the comments in IETF 118 have been addressed.

Any further comment / suggestion is more than welcome.

Best regards


-----Mensaje original-----
De: <>
Enviado el: martes, 13 de febrero de 2024 20:22
<>; Fernando Agraz 
<>; salvatore.spadaro 
Asunto: New Version Notification for draft-contreras-pce-pam-02.txt

A new version of Internet-Draft draft-contreras-pce-pam-02.txt has been 
successfully submitted by Luis M. Contreras and posted to the IETF repository.

Name:     draft-contreras-pce-pam
Revision: 02
Title:    Path Computation Based on Precision Availability Metrics
Date:     2024-02-13
Group:    Individual Submission
Pages:    14


   The Path Computation Element (PCE) is able of determining paths
   according to constraints expressed in the form of metrics.  The value
   of the metric can be signaled as a bound or maximum, meaning that
   path metric must be less than or equal such value.  While this can be
   sufficient for certain services, some others can require the
   utilization of Precision Availability Metrics (PAM).  This document
   defines a new object, namely the PRECISION METRIC object, to be used
   for path calculation or selection for networking services with
   performance requirements expressed as Service Level Objectives (SLO)
   using PAM.

The IETF Secretariat


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