Hi Cheng, looks great. Thanks for considering the suggestions.

Be well,

-----Original Message-----
From: Cheng Li <c...@huawei.com> 
Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2024 4:08 PM
To: Gunter van de Velde (Nokia) <gunter.van_de_ve...@nokia.com>; The IESG 
Cc: draft-ietf-pce-segment-routing-i...@ietf.org; pce-cha...@ietf.org; 
pce@ietf.org; hariharan.i...@gmail.com; h...@netflix.com
Subject: RE: Gunter Van de Velde's No Objection on 
draft-ietf-pce-segment-routing-ipv6-22: (with COMMENT)

Hi Gunter,

Please review the update, hope it can address your comments.



Also, pasted the cut email of the reply from Dhruv below, please see my further 
reply inline.
143        [RFC8231] specifies extensions to PCEP that allow a stateful PCE to
144        compute and recommend network paths in compliance with [RFC4657] and
145        defines objects and TLVs for MPLS-TE LSPs.  Stateful PCEP extensions

I am unclear what 'recommend' means in this context? Can this be better 
explained and clarified? In RFC8231 there is no mentioning of recommended paths.

Dhruv: In RFC 8231 you will note "LSP Update Request" i.e. PCE is requesting 
the PCC to update and PCC can report that the update is rejected. Also RFC 8664 
uses similar framing. This could be updated to "compute and update" but it then 
loses the point that the PCC is free to reject. I will let this be...  
[Cheng]I am ok with let it be now. Gunter please see if this is ok for you.

157        account various constraints and objective functions.  Once a path is
158        chosen, the stateful PCE can initiate an SR-TE path on a PCC using
159        PCEP extensions specified in [RFC8281] and the SR-specific PCEP

“Once a path is chosen” seems to imply that there are multiple paths calculated 
and the best one is selected or chosen. Is this what is implied with this?

Dhruv: Yes, 'computed' is better than 'chosen'! 
[Cheng]Done, see modifications.
161        extensions for supporting a SR-TE LSP for the MPLS data plane.  This
162        document extends [RFC8664] to support SR for the IPv6 data plane.
163        Additionally, using procedures described in this document, a PCC can
164        request an SRv6 path from either a stateful or stateless PCE.  This
165        specification relies on the PATH-SETUP-TYPE TLV and procedures
166        specified in [RFC8408].

This section is explaining what this draft is standardizing. It is a bit hidden 
and tucked all the way in the back of the introduction, a bit less trivial for 
the reader to discover.

Dhruv: This can be put in its own paragraph.
[Cheng]no comment here
168        This specification provides a mechanism for a network controller
169        (acting as a PCE) to instantiate candidate paths for an SR Policy
170        onto a head-end node (acting as a PCC) using PCEP.  For more

Before there was mentioning of a “network planning tool”. Maybe instead the 
term network controller can be used?

Dhruv: agree

212        Basic operations for PCEP speakers are as per [RFC8664].  SRv6 Paths
213        computed by a PCE can be represented as an ordered list of SRv6
214        segments

Reading this gives wrong indication that RFC8664 computes SRv6 paths. In the
RFC8664 is explicitly written that “This document is relevant to the MPLS 
forwarding plane only.”

Dhruv: maybe "built on" instead of "as per". 
[Cheng]No problem

250        In SR networks, an SR source node encodes all packets being steered
251        onto an SR path with a list of segments.

“SR source node”. I am unsure what this refers towards. Would this be the 
segment routing ingress node? In Segment Routing (SR), the ingress node is 
known by the fact that it is the node where the packet enters the Segment 
Routing domain. When a packet enters a network that employs Segment Routing, it 
is typically tagged with a Segment List at the ingress node.

Dhruv: RFC 8754 and RFC 8986 use the term. Maybe we can reframe this as - 

"In SR networks, an SR source node [RFC8754] steers a packet into an SR Policy 
resulting in a segment list."

 363       order to indicate that the path is for SRv6, any RP or SRP object

These acronyms are not specified in the terminology section: Request Parameters
(RP) [RFC5440] and the Stateful PCE Request Parameters (SRP)

Dhruv: They are expanded on first use in section 3.2 [Cheng] Gunter's proposal 
looks good to me.

398        The 'L' Flag: Indicates whether the subobject represents a loose-hop
399        (see [RFC3209]).  If this flag is set to zero, a PCC MUST NOT
400        overwrite the SID value present in the SRv6-ERO subobject.
401        Otherwise, a PCC MAY expand or replace one or more SID values in the
402        received SRv6-ERO based on its local policy.

The exact meaning of L-flag is confusing for SRv6. When looking at RFC3209 it 
reflects upon nodes, however with SRv6 this may be an adj-SID or some other 
instruction. Maybe the L-flag can be enhanced to described what this means in 
the context of SRv6 SID.

Dhruv: The text is the same as RFC 8664 (SR-MPLS) and within the context of 
PCEP it means that PCC should use the SID as it is v/s PCC being able to apply 
suitable changes. If the intention is that the path as computed by PCE should 
be used as it is, it is expected that the L flag would be set accordingly. 
[Cheng]I agree with Dhruv, it seems the same with SR-MPLS.
From RFC3209:
   The path between a strict node and its preceding node MUST include
   only network nodes from the strict node and its preceding abstract

438        Flags: Used to carry additional information pertaining to the
439        SRv6-SID.  This document defines the following flag bits.  The other
440        bits MUST be set to zero by the sender and MUST be ignored by the
441        receiver.

There is mentioning of S/F/T/V. is there a reason they are called like that? I 
suspect I am missing the history of naming of these flags and it just looks 
mostly random at this stage

Dhruv: The trend that started from RFC 8664 :) [Cheng]it looks to me 
interesting as well in the early beginning. But we may leave it aside?
475        SRv6 SID: SRv6 Identifier is an 128-bit value representing the SRv6
476        segment

Any special considerations for csid?

Dhruv: As stated in the compression draft, no change is needed in PCEP. 
481        At least one SRv6-SID or the NAI MUST be included in the SRv6-ERO
482        subobject, and both MAY be included.

Is there any checking or processing to check if the NAI and SRV6-SID belong to 
the same node? Can they belong to different nodes?

Dhruv: Note that such a such is not done in SR-MPLS either, I would assume that 
the SID value trumps NAI.  
[Cheng]that may be done by other drafts, if some people think this is a problem 
to be solved, till now, we might not need to mention that.

731        If a PCC receives an SRv6 path that exceeds the SRv6 MSD
732        capabilities, it MUST send a PCErr message with Error-Type = 10
733        ("Reception of an invalid object") and Error-Value = 43 ("Unsupported
734        number of SRv6-ERO subobjects") as per [RFC8664].

I assume this is about exceeding the local PCC capabilities? A local PCC router 
may have enough intelligence to understand the capability of all nodes through 
which the datapacket will be steered.  In theory the encoded payload may 
traverse a node that is not capable to process the SRH pushed by the SR PCC 
ingress router.

Dhruv: Yes, this is about local. 
738        The SRv6-ERO contains a sequence of subobjects.  According to
739        [RFC9256], each SRv6-ERO subobject in the sequence identifies a
740        segment that the traffic will be directed to, in the order given.
741        That is, the first subobject identifies the first segment the traffic
742        will be directed to, the second SRv6-ERO subobject represents the
743        second segment, and so on

Is there expectation that the node of a NAI corresponds with the node owning a 

Dhruv: Yes

771        Note that this specification enables a network controller to
772        instantiate an SRv6 path in the network.  This creates an additional

Would it be more correct to indicate that it enables both to initiate and to 
monitor an SRv6 path?

Dhruv: The security vulnerability is more about instantiation. 

Authors, please feel free to add your comments especially if you disagree with 
my responses here. 


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