Hi Adrian,

Thanks for providing suggested changes but I would like to keep the IANA
considerations as it is and allocate from the 'IETF Review' codespace which
allows any type of RFC including experimental. I found some recent
experimental RFCs - 9531 and 9268 that follow the same approach.


On Mon, May 6, 2024 at 3:04 AM Adrian Farrel <adr...@olddog.co.uk> wrote:

> Hi,
> Thanks for posting the adopted draft.
> I think we need to make the following changes so catch all of the IANA
> issues associated with being Experimental.
> Cheers,
> Adrian
> ===
> New section...
> 6.2.  Experimental Error-Types and Error-Values
>    This experiment uses a single Experimental Use error-type
>    [I-D.farrel-pce-experimental-errors] to indicate 'PCEP-LS Error' to
>    cover all experimental error cases. The value used needs to be
>    consistent between all partners in the experiment, and
>    implementations would ideally make it configurable.
>    The following error-values apply to this experimental error-type.
>    Error-Value | Meaning
>    ------------+--------------------------------------------------------
>      1         | LS Synchronisation Error: Error in processing the LSRpt
>      2         | LS Synchronisation Error: Internal PCC error
>      3         | Mandatory object missing: LS object missing
>      4         | Invalid Operation: Attempted LS Report if LS remote
>                | capability was not advertised
> ---
> New section...
> 6.3.   Experimental PCEP TLV Types
>    This document uses a number of experimental PCEP TLVs. Values are
>    chosen from the Experimental Use range. The values used need to be
>    consistent between all partners in the experiment, and
>    implementations would ideally make them configurable.
>    For clarity in the document, the TLVs are indicated using the tags
>    EXPx for different values of x, as follows.
>    Value  | Meaning
>    -------+--------------------------------
>     EXP8  | Local Node Descriptors TLV
>     EXP9  | Remote Node Descriptors TLV
>     EXP10 | Link Descriptors TLV
>     EXP11 | Prefix Descriptors TLV
>     EXP12 | Node Attributes TLV
>     EXP13 | Link Attributes TLV
>     EXP14 | Prefix Attributes TLV
> ---
> Throughout the document, make the following changes
> TBD5  --> EXP5
> TBD7  --> EXP7
> TBD8  --> EXP8
> TBD9  --> EXP9
> TBD10 --> EXP10
> TBD11 --> EXP11
> TBD12 --> EXP12
> TBD13 --> EXP13
> TBD14 --> EXP14
> TBD15 --> EXP15
> ---
> 6.2
>    The LS reports sent by PCC MAY carry the remote link-state (and TE)
>    information learned via existing means like IGP and BGP-LS only if
>    both PCEP Speakers set the R (remote) Flag in the "LS Capability" TLV
>    to 'Remote Allowed (R Flag = 1)'.  If this is not the case and LS
>    reports carry remote link-state (and TE) information, then a PCErr
>    with error-type 19 (Invalid Operation) and error-value TBD1
>    (Attempted LS Report if LS remote capability was not advertised) and
>    it will terminate the PCEP session.
>    The LS reports sent by PCC MAY carry the remote link-state (and TE)
>    information learned via existing means like IGP and BGP-LS only if
>    both PCEP Speakers set the R (remote) Flag in the "LS Capability" TLV
>    to 'Remote Allowed (R Flag = 1)'.  If this is not the case and LS
>    reports carry remote link-state (and TE) information, then a PCErr
>    with the experimental error-type (PCEP-LS Error) and error-value
>    (Attempted LS Report if LS remote capability was not advertised) and
>    it will terminate the PCEP session.
> ---
> 6.3
>    If the PCC encounters a problem which prevents it from completing the
>    LS synchronization, it MUST send a PCErr message with error-type TBD2
>    (LS Synchronization Error) and error-value 2 (indicating an internal
>    PCC error) to the PCE and terminate the session.
>    If the PCC encounters a problem which prevents it from completing the
>    LS synchronization, it MUST send a PCErr message with the
>    experimental error-type (PCEP-LS Error) and error-value 2 (LS
>    Synchronization Error: Internal PCC error) to the PCE and terminate
>    the session.
> ---
> 6.3
>    The PCE does not send positive acknowledgments for properly received
>    LS synchronization messages.  It MUST respond with a PCErr message
>    with error-type TBD2 (LS Synchronization Error) and error-value 1
>    (indicating an error in processing the LSRpt) if it encounters a
>    problem with the LS Report it received from the PCC and it MUST
>    terminate the session.
>    The PCE does not send positive acknowledgments for properly received
>    LS synchronization messages.  It MUST respond with a PCErr message
>    with with the experimental error-type (PCEP-LS Error) and error-value
>    1 (LS Synchronization Error: Error in processing the LSRpt) if it
>    encounters a problem with the LS Report it received from the PCC and
>    it MUST terminate the session.
> ---
> 8.1
>    The Message-Type field of the PCEP common header for the
>    LSRpt message is set to [TBD3].
>    The Message-Type field of the PCEP common header for the
>    LSRpt message is set to a value from the range of Experimental Use
>    message types. The value used needs to be consistent between all
>    partners in the experiment, and implementations would ideally make it
>    configurable.
> ---
> 8.1
>    The LS object is a mandatory object which carries LS information of a
>    node/prefix or a link.  Each LS object has a unique LS-ID as
>    described in Section 9.3.  If the LS object is missing, the receiving
>    PCE MUST send a PCErr message with Error-type=6 (Mandatory Object
>    missing) and Error-value=[TBD4] (LS object missing).
>    The LS object is a mandatory object which carries LS information of a
>    node/prefix or a link.  Each LS object has a unique LS-ID as
>    described in Section 9.3.  If the LS object is missing, the receiving
>    PCE MUST send a PCErr message with the experimental error-type
>    (PCEP-LS Error) and error-value 3 (Mandatory Object missing: LS
>    object missing).
> ---
> 9.3
>    LS Object-Class is TBD6.
>    Four Object-Type values are defined for the LS object so far:
>    LS Object-Class is assigned a value from the Experimental Use range
>    of object classes. The value used needs to be consistent between all
>    partners in the experiment, and implementations would ideally make it
>    configurable.
>    Four Object-Type values are defined for the LS object:
> ---
> 9.3
>    The following values are defined (some of the
>    initial values are the same as [I-D.ietf-idr-rfc7752bis]):
>    The following values are defined (some of the
>    values are the same as [I-D.ietf-idr-rfc7752bis]):
> ---
> 9.3.6
> 9.3.6.  Node Descriptors Sub-TLVs
>    The Node Descriptors TLV (Local and Remote) carries one or more Node
>    Descriptor Sub-TLV follows the format of all PCEP TLVs as defined in
>    [RFC5440], however, the Type values are selected from a new PCEP-LS
>    sub-TLV IANA registry (see Section 13.6).
>    Type values are chosen so that there can be commonality with BGP-LS
>    [I-D.ietf-idr-rfc7752bis].  This is possible because the "BGP-LS Node
>    Descriptor, Link Descriptor, Prefix Descriptor, and Attribute TLVs"
>    registry marks 0-255 as reserved.  Thus the space of the sub-TLV
>    values for the Type field can be partitioned as shown below -
>    Range          |
>    ---------------+---------------------------------------------
>    0              | Reserved - must not be allocated.
>                   |
>    1 .. 255       | New PCEP sub-TLV allocated according to the
>                   | registry defined in this document.
>                   |
>    256 ..   65535 | Per BGP registry defined by
>                   | [I-D.ietf-idr-rfc7752bis].
>                   | Not to be allocated in this registry.
>    All Node Descriptors TLVs defined for BGP-LS can then be used with
>    PCEP-LS as well.  One new PCEP sub-TLVs for Node Descriptor are
>    defined in this document.
>        +----------+-------------------+----------+----------------+
>        | Sub-TLV  | Description       |   Length |Value defined in|
>        +----------+-------------------+----------+----------------+
>        |      24  | SPEAKER-ENTITY-ID | Variable | [RFC8232]      |
>        +----------+-------------------+----------+----------------+
>    A new sub-TLV type (24) is allocated for SPEAKER-ENTITY-ID sub-TLV.
>    The length and value fields are as per [RFC8232].
> 9.3.6.  Node Descriptors Sub-TLV
>    The Node Descriptors TLV (Local and Remote) carries one or more Node
>    Descriptor Sub-TLV follows the format of all PCEP TLVs as defined in
>    [RFC5440].
>    Sub-TLV values in the range 256 to 65535 match those assigned for
>    BGP-LS [I-D.ietf-idr-rfc7752bis].
>    A sub-TLV type (24) is used for SPEAKER-ENTITY-ID sub-TLV. The length
>    and value fields are as per [RFC8232].
> ---
> Delete sections 13 and 14
> ---
> Add [I-D.farrel-pce-experimental-errors] to the references.
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