Dear authors of draft-ietf-pce-pcep-yang,

I've reviewed the aforementioned document to prepare its publication request. The I-D is almost ready to move forward and only has minor issues and nits that should be addressed before sending it to the IESG.

Minor issues:
- The introduction doesn't mention the ietf-pcep-stats module though it's defined in the body of the I-D; a brief additional sentence would be welcome. - For SR, the leaf "msd-limit" (page 45) is a boolean that should be renamed to be understandable, e.g. into "no-msd-limit" or "ignore-msd". - On page 46, in the H-PCE section, there's a "if Stateful GMPLS is enabled" left instead of "if H-PCE is enabled. - Section 7.1 about TLS should be deeply summarized and rather point to the referenced document (pointer to be updated). - On page 51, in the description of the hexadecimal case, I don't think the 2 long sentences about the rationale should be included there; if the authors consider it necessary, it may be included in the text body of the draft. - On page 59, similar comment about the sync-timer description, which I'd shorten into the following:
          "The value of SyncTimer in seconds is used in the
           case of synchronized path computation request
           using the SVEC object. If after the expiration of
           the SyncTimer all the path computation requests
           have not been received, a protocol error is
           triggered and the PCE must cancel the whole set
           of path computation requests.
           Zero means that the PCEP entity does not use the
- On page 69, about path key, the name of the leaf "pcc-original" feels odd, how about "originator-pcc" instead?

- Page 11: s/system generated entity index/system-generated entity index
- P.11: s/the local entity is PCE it/the local entity is a PCE, it
- P.11: s/dead-timer in YANG is called DeadTimer in the protocol specification/DeadTimer in the protocol specification is called dead-timer in YANG/ - P.16: s/learn PCE in the network via IGP discovery/learn a PCE address in the network via the IGP discovery/ - P.28-30: There are several bullets points in the descriptions fields that would benefit from semicolons at each line end.
- P.40: s/maybe relevant/may be relevant/
- P.44: s/PCE triggered/PCE-triggered/  [twice]
- P.49: s/instance specific data/instance-specific data/
- P.105: s/this document also include/this document also includes/

Best regards,


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