This is very important, beyond nomenclature, and I encourage you to
consider and comment on it. Please pass this on as appropriate.

You will probably see this from a couple sources, so sorry for cross


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Doug Yanega <>
Date: Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 10:35 AM
Subject: Call for Comments: Taxonomic Practice and the Code

 Dear All: I and fellow ICZN Commissioner Mark Harvey have just published a
brief note, titled as in the subject header, in the Bulletin of Zoological
Nomenclature. The online version is available at

* <>*

I feel it is arguably the most important such solicitation in the history
of the ICZN, as it could potentially affect one of the most fundamental
principles of the Code; namely, that the Code and Commission remain neutral
regarding violations of standards of taxonomic practice and ethics. As
such, I wish to draw people's attention to it, and take this opportunity to
emphasize several things:

(1) For everyone reading this, YOUR participation is crucial, whether you
are a practicing taxonomist or not, because everyone who studies living
organisms is affected by controversies surrounding the correct names to be
used for those organisms. This is far too important an issue to allow a
tiny handful of people to have undue influence over the course of the
discussion, and the future of taxonomy. The Commission is not likely to
undertake fundamental changes in the Code unless there is a CLEAR MAJORITY
in terms of public opinion. As such, I am hoping to have hundreds, if not
thousands, of responses submitted in response to this solicitation, so we
on the Commission have a truly significant sample size to work with. I
therefore encourage everyone reading this to forward this message (in its
entirety) to all of their colleagues.

(2) PLEASE do not respond to this solicitation here, in this
newsgroup. *Instructions
for submitting comments can be found at
<>* (and also see additional
important details in the solicitation itself). This is NOT a call for a
public debate - I would even prefer to receive personal e-mail requests for
clarification, however numerous, rather than have this turn into a public
free-for-all, because it is a very contentious subject.

(3) PLEASE read the solicitation carefully. We tried to make it concise,
and explicit. I wish to emphasize that the question at hand is a GENERAL
one, regarding the *role of standards and ethics in the practice of
taxonomy and nomenclature*. I will quote the pertinent passage, in order to
reinforce the idea:

"We must stress that this is a very broad issue, which manifests in many
ways, affects many disciplines, and has occurred throughout the history of
taxonomy. We also recognize that the most prominent and timely concerns
relate to issues such as plagiarism, falsification of data, criminal
activities, and practices that subvert or circumvent the process of peer
review (which is considered an essential element of all scientific
practice, taxonomy included). This is, emphatically, not a referendum on
professionals versus amateurs (or other cultural stereotypes), nor a
referendum on the merits (or lack thereof) of peer review. Basically, what
we seek to know is whether the taxonomic community wants to continue
dealing with these issues at their own discretion, or whether they want the
Commission to be empowered to do so (or something in between); we will not
do so on our own initiative."

(4) For those of you seeking a "nutshell version" of what the heart of the
controversy is that triggered this solicitation in the first place, I can
offer the following: "Are there, or are there not, circumstances - when the
opinion of the community is that a work has been produced in a manner
incompatible with standards of taxonomic practice and ethics - where names
or nomenclatural acts in a work should be treated *as if they had never
been published*?". Note, however, that this is not the only possible
approach! If you have a clear opinion on this, or alternatives, then please
communicate your thoughts to the Commission for consideration.


Doug Yanega      Dept. of Entomology       Entomology Research Museum
Univ. of California, Riverside, CA 92521-0314     skype: dyanega
phone: (951) 827-4315 (disclaimer: opinions are mine, not UCR's)
  "There are some enterprises in which a careful disorderliness
        is the true method" - Herman Melville, Moby Dick, Chap. 82


Contact info:

Kipling W. Will
Associate Professor/Insect Systematist
Director, Essig Museum of Entomology

send specimens to:
Essig Museum of Entomology
1101 Valley Life Sciences Building, #4780
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-4780

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University of California
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