Hi All,

Just a reminder, if you have not RSVP'd to me yet about dinner before the
meeting please do so.

There will be a meeting of the Pacific Coast Entomological Society at UC
Berkeley on April 16th in room 1101 Valley Life Science Building (at the
foot of the Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton).

Our speaker will be Brain Holden, who just published a book (see below)
about his father C.E. Woodworth, UC's first entomologist.

6:00 pm - dinner/social hour (1101 VLSB) Thai food ($10ish each)
7:00 pm - call to order, PCES business, presentation

Please RSVP to me if you plan to join us for dinner.

http://tinyurl.com/nlwxen5  Charles W. Woodworth: The Remarkable Life of
U.C.'s First Entomologist  By Brian Holden
Peter T Oboyski, PhD
Collections Manager & Senior Museum Scientist
Essig Museum of Entomology
1170 Valley Life Science Building
University of California, Berkeley

mailing address:
1101 VLSB, #4780
Berkeley, CA 94720


510.643.0804 (work phone)
510.847.0360 (cell phone)

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