Hi All,

Hope you have all had a good summer with lots of arthropod related fun!

We have nailed down our first speaker for this fall. Dr. Chris Buddle from
McGill University, Montreal, will be talking on:

Tales from the tundra: the biodiversity and natural history of Arctic


Arctic arthropods are diverse, abundant and play key ecological roles in
tundra habitats. Spider and beetle assemblages are structured by biomes,
with the sub-arctic fauna distinct from the communities in the high Arctic.
The reasons behind these patterns are less clear, in part because we know
little about the basic biology and natural history of most northern
species. Drawing upon case studies from Arctic-dwelling pseudoscorpions,
beetles and spiders, this seminar will illustrate the important lessons
that can be learned by studying natural history, and how data about natural
history can inform the science of biogeography, evolution and ecology.

Chris is a great, engaging speaker with a real passion for Entomology and
Biodiversity, I highly recommend you come! (you can check out his blog at

Contrary to our usual Thursday or Friday meetings this one will be on
Monday October 12th at UC Berkeley. We will let you know the room numbers
when they are finalized. The talk will be at 7pm (or shortly there after)
and preceded by supper at 6pm for those who are interested. We will do as
we have the last few meetings and bring food in. Please let Pete Oboyski (
poboy...@berkeley.edu) know if you are planning to come for dinner so that
he can get the appropriate amounts.

I look forward to seeing you all there!


Dr. Chris Borkent
Pacific Coast Entomological Society President
Postdoctoral Researcher
California State Collection of Arthropods, California Department of Food
and Agriculture
3294 Meadowview Road,
Sacramento, CA 95832, USA

email: chris.bork...@gmail.com
phone: 916-262-1152
fax: 916-262-1190

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