Auto run is controlled in the drive's properties:
Right-click the drive in My Computer.
Select "Properties/Auto Play."
Select "Picture files".
Select an action and a program.
I like the picture and fax viewer, but you may have a different preference.

Vern wrote:
I made a CD full of photographs and would like to make it display a photo when inserted into CD rom with out taking any action on operator's part.

Now I got an autorun.inf file and attempted to insert a short cut to IE7 thinking it would start IE and display the photos. It didn't. <G> Is my logic wrong or did I make a mistake in the autorun.inf file?
I made it something like.   open=C:\windows\ie7\iexplore.exe

Do I need to burn a photo display program on the CD for the AutoRun.inf to work? If so does anyone know of a small program that is free?


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