Hi Harold.  

If you can verify that the two updates are indeed installed you can make the
notification go away.  Choose custom install and then uncheck both the
updates.  Then click next or ok of whatever the option is and you'll get a
dialog that asks if you never want to be notified of those updates again.
Choose yes.

Ben Moore 

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Harold B.
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 11:54 PM
To: PC Works_LIST
Subject: PCWorks: Update icon in System Tray

Hello again (Windows XP) ... I have a small yellow badge-looking icon in my
system tray. A mouse-over says: "Updates are ready for your computer. Click
here to install these updates" ... Then there's the option of "Express
Install" (Recommended) and "Custom Install" (Advanced). Now after clicking
Install, two updates are always "installed successfully" and I click OK, and
the icon disappears from the system tray. Quickly after that, the icon
re-appears again (re-appears again; redundancy?), and this icon keeps
re-appearing and I keep installing the same two updates ad infinitum. Am I
being punished with some Sisyphean challenge? Is there a way of stopping
Am I supposed to do penance (I know I've visited some naughty sites at
Is this supposed to be happening? --- Harold
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