For real Freedom with Linux distributions, it's best to download and burn the image (.iso) files yourself. Here's a tutorial and a link to a free MS power toy:
I've been messing around with various Linux distros for several years. I started out of curiosity, and now that MS wants $400.00 for Vista Ultimate, I'm interested for more practical reasons. I've installed Ubuntu on several older machines, and that's probably the best way to get started. From start to finish, it takes about half an hour to be receiving email. There is excellent internet support for any Linux OS, but I think Peter and I would both recommend Ubuntu for its ease of installation and excellent collection of software. Did we mention that there are thousands of free programs available for download once you've installed Linux? I find it mildly depressing that, of all the users I deal with, only one has ever expressed an interest in Linux. It seems inevitable that we'll all have to migrate to Vista some day, but if you're looking for a viable alternative:

Peter Kaulback wrote:
Most people on this list may have caught either Hugh or I mentioning Ubuntu Linux in the recent past, I think we both have it running somewheres. I have it on a separate partition as I am migrating my family to it slowly.

There is a very good comparison of Windows Vista and Ubuntu here which covers both equally and fairly without any evangelical leanings. I like a review like this a lot.

If anyone is interested in trying out Ubuntu, you can download it and burn the cd or you can buy it, or you can request a free cd shipped to you free of charge. For the free cd they quote 6-10 weeks but I got mine in 2 weeks and from the UK as well :) You likely know where to get Vista I think.

I hope this helps any that may be interested.
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