Has this connection ever worked?
If so, the usual fix:
Power down all the equipment (Computer, modem, router). Be sure to disconnect the power from the modem and router.
Power up the modem, wait for the lights to settle down.
Power up the router-wait for the lights.
Turn on the computer and check your connection.
If that doesn't work:
At the run prompt, type cmd, press enter
At the command prompt, type ipconfig /all
Copy and paste the results into a reply to the list.

LarryB wrote:
I have a laptop using a wireless connection to a linksys. It connects fine with excellent signal strength but will not connect to the internet thru MS Exployer. the little connection in the sys tray says acquiring network address! I do not know what to do with that.

My desktop works fine using the same linksys router.

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