On Wed, Sep 13, 2006 at 03:26:41AM -0400, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
> As a human being, Miller has the right to reject patches. That doesn't 
> mean that as a human being I have the duty to enjoy it.
> I genuinely believe that PureData is a fantastic piece of software in many 
> ways (else I surely wouldn't have posted a thousand mails about PureData).
> I don't think that I would be complaining so much if there wasn't people 
> insisting that I ought to submit my diffs to someone who doesn't want 
> them. Hopefully I'll stop getting caught into that trap every damn time: 
> it just makes me want to restate disagreements that I've already stated 
> enough times and in a less angry way. I still have to learn about this.

It's good to hear this viewpoint. I think in your situation where what you
want Pd to be seems to be quite different from what Miller wants Pd to
be, forking was and is the correct course of action. Software evolution
in the 'marketplace' will define which version is more successful for
which types of things.




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