Strange, Pd-0.39.2-extended-2006-11-23 works quite well on my 10.4/ powerpc machine. I've been playing with some of the chdh patches and no problems whatsoever. So it seems to be a 10.3 issue.

Also the _canvas_open thing is now fixed, but unfortunately Gem still won't build on 10.3, according to IOhannes.


On Nov 23, 2006, at 2:50 PM, B. Bogart wrote:

Hi Chris,

Yes exactly.

I just tried 2006-11-23 and now PD is really broken, the PD window does
not render at all and I just get the wish menu items "source..." for

I am trying to use the 10.4 version on my 10.3 machine since I still see
not 10.3 version being built.

Ah, looks like unresolved symbols in Jack.framework according to the
autobuild log...? (main not extended?)

I'm seeing an undefined symbol _canvas_open at the bottom of the 10.3
build log.

Hans, I'll try your test build now...


chris clepper wrote:
On 11/21/06, *B. Bogart* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

So I can see that gem gets loaded fine, in the console window. But it
    seems no gem objects work.. "gemwin" for example.

So the GEM build date and the developer names are shown in the console
but you cannot make the object?


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