That's a good step, hopefully that version is common. As for pthreads, that's not needed for Pd core, except for [readsf~] AFAIK.


On Feb 4, 2007, at 10:16 PM, Josh Steiner wrote:

hm... maybe?

"Symbian has announced PIPS (PIPS Is POSIX on Symbian) which may increase the number of Open Source projects written for Symbian 9.1."

what version do most phones run?


Chris McCormick wrote:
On Sat, Feb 03, 2007 at 01:05:48PM -0500, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

My bro and I were looking into porting PDa to PalmOS, shouldn't be too hard thanks to Günter's PDa. That got me thinking, it would be nice to port PDa to Symbian also. Then you could write apps in Pd that run natively on mobile phones! The GUI stuff doesn't have to run there, that would require porting Tcl/Tk. But it should be able to load a .pd file and run it, and do sound output, and maybe other things

Anyone know much about Symbian? It sounds like it might not be too easy since it's got a lot of specialized APIs to deal with memory and power saving.

When porting PDa, some of the sticky points are being able to dlopen
and use pthreads. Is Symbian OS POSIX compliant, or even remotely Unix like? If not I'd say it's going to be a pretty long uphill struggle to
get it ported (but not impossible).




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