On Oct 23, 2007, at 7:05 PM, Luke Iannini (pd) wrote:

Sounds good to me! I think my biggest "blocker"-level issues with the extended 0.40.3 builds are the mismatched font-cursor handling in object-boxes with the new fonts, and the inability to use >~/ mtx_*~ and so on (though I believe IOhannes may have fixed that recently?).

What mismatched font cursor handling? If there's a bug, please report it on the tracker. :-)

I did, and apparently it was fixed : ). Anyway, the description is exactly the same: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php? func=detail&aid=1650752&group_id=55736&atid=478070

Can this be reopened or should I submit a new one?


Can you post a screenshot? That is most likely caused by trouble with the fonts. A number of GNU/Linux users have had font troubles. Which platform are you on? If GNU/Linux, do you have Bitstream Vera Sans Mono installed?


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