Speaking from experience, having suffered several migrations to prcs  
from cvs, to svn from cvs, and to darcs from svn, in commercial  
projects, I have to say the only one that worked well, made sense,  
and was least painful was cvs-->svn, and I'd vote for that.


On 23 Oct 2007, at 19:41, Stephen Sinclair wrote:

>> are used ... beside that, i am not sure, how access to specific  
>> parts of
>> the repository can be restricted ...
> You don't have to restrict anything.
> If someone messes with your work, you simply don't merge what they  
> did.
> They're free to do whatever they want in _their_ repository, but
> you're not forced to accept it into _your_ "official" repo for your
> project.
> Of course, other people would still be free to check out what the
> other guy did, even if it's not officially part of the main tree.  The
> trick here is to think in terms of "pulling" rather than "pushing".
> Since no one is pushing, no one can step on anyone else's toes.
> Anyways, I think under a system like git, the Pd kernel would have its
> own repo, and other subprojects (abstraction collections, externals,
> libraries) would have their own repos.  A project like "Pd extended"
> could then simply be a "super-repo" collecting specific repos as
> submodules.  Each submodule would be tagged to a specific
> version/branch.
> I totally understand the hesitation, git does seem somewhat
> complicated at first.  Once I finally understood the whole distributed
> way of thinking though, I couldn't help but dive in, and now I like
> the idea so much I think I can't go back...  and actually, I
> discovered that the interface is really not that hard.  Mostly you
> just use "clone", "pull", and "commit".
> Another nice thing about it:  you don't even have to "officially"
> switch all at once.  Someone can just start a git repo based off the
> CVS, and you can go from there... whoever does that is responsible for
> keeping his repo up-to-date with the CVS and vice-versa.  He can check
> his changes back into the CVS whenever he wants but still work with
> git on his own computer.  It allows for a gradual weening away from
> the central repository instead of requiring everyone to switch at
> once.
> I won't try any more to push the idea, but I think it's worth  
> considering.
> Steve
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