On Dec 5, 2007 3:34 AM, IOhannes m zmoelnig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> so  pd is crashing when it tries to draw an object (most likely: a
> certain object)
> since it is unlikely that a "normal object" (no gui, no gop) will cause
> the crash (though not impossible; i only assume so, because if it was
> the case, we would get this bug report more often), so it would be
> interesting to know which graphical objects are hidden in your subpatch.
> apart from that, like always: sharing code could help...

But that is what is strange about this, I am not using any graphical objects
in the subpatch. And the other weirdness is that the first version of the
program I wrote, it crashed on the very same leg of code

[t b b]
|     |
|    Crashes all the time.
Doesn't crash

And when I switchted the two legs, the one that was crashing originally
still keeps crashing.

And as far as the "sharing of the code", I only hesitate because it involves
one of my externals, and it always seems others are hesitant to compile
these things just to test something. I could be wrong...

That being said, I am going to post the latest version, and then the
offending code. (The other part is that I am also using some stuff in a
library that I am developing, so that also needs to be added to the path...)


> mfgasd.r
> IOhannes

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