On Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 06:07:16PM -0400, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
> Anyone tried to build Pd with the iPhone SDK?  It seems like it  
> should be pretty straightforward, since it has CoreAudio.  I'll bet  
> even Tcl/Tk will run on it.

Doesn't Apple have to sign your binaries before they'll run on the iPhone

According to a random blog post:

"Since all iPhone applications must be properly signed for iTunes to
process them and for the iPhone to load them..."

I find the idea of spending time porting FOSS software to such a
restrictive platform completely uninteresting. When they allow the
freedom for users to run the software they choose on the hardware that
they have purchased and legitimately own 100%, then it might be worth
paying attention again.




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