Sorry for accidentally sending the previous note to pd-list.


>> I hear that malloc is a "relatively" expensive task.
>> Is it bad practice to run this each cycle, or is a kilobyte or two not a
>> bid deal?

> That's definitely bad practice.
> Instead of that you can do the allocation in the "dsp" callback, that's 
> where you add your dsp processing to the signal chain. This callback 
> will be called anytime when either the block size or sample rate changes 
> or when the signal graph is rebuilt.

Many thanks to you again, I know have it working with the way you suggest.

Being fairly new to C and Pd source, I am still at the stage where I 
code with out understanding 100% of what I am really doing. This weekend 
has been very adventurous so far.

Would you mind giving me directions to where I can find descriptions on 
the concept "signal graph" and where I shall look in the code to see it 
in action? It has nothing to do with the GUI object "graph" does it?

David Shimamoto

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