On Mon, 2008-06-23 at 15:20 +0200, Steffen Juul wrote:
> On Mon, June 23, 2008 2:31 pm, Roman Haefeli wrote:
> > i would like to be able to
> > check out as much as possible from the same repository. i think, that is
> > also the main goal of pd-svn, isn't  it?
> I cann't answer that question, which relate very mush to the thread
> "svn:externals, pd-extended, SVN and the goal of it all", as such. But
> just state that i totally support people in maintaining their software
> where they think it makes sense or feel comfy. As an example, GEM is not
> in the SF-Pd repo either.
> Releasing and distributing software is a different matter. Wherever it is
> in a hub, has some package manager support, supports a "defined" format
> for distribution or not.
> The only thing i wish for, as a user, is some sort of version number per
> release. I know some people thinks the increasing revision number provided
> by, in this case, the SF-SVN-Pd repo works as version numbering. I think
> that it doesn't due to fragmented state of the repo. I admit it would work
> as some sort of version numbering if, say, list-abs, had it's own, say,
> SF-SVN repo.
> But if you don't at the same time want to flush QA down the plug hole,
> you'd need to develop the software some where else till it has become
> mature/ready for a new release. In which case your using the first
> mentioned repo as a publishing tool, and not for reversion control.
> Just my two bit. - I hope i don't provoke anyone, just cause some thought.

yo.. steffen.. i think, it makes totally sense, what you say. thanks for
your two bits.


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