Hi, Thomas.

Did not quite catch up on weather you meant that the PortMidi libraries 
should work as is, or needs a simple patch applied.
In any case, yes, I do have the interest.. and time, perhaps I can manage.
Is this literally a patch to be applied to the source?

I do mainly work on pd-extended, and building either distros, I have not 
been very successful under windows.

I am certainly sure I will learn something from it.

David Shimamoto

> Hi David,
> the devel_0_39 branch of pure data completely relies on PortMidi for all 
> platforms.
> We (the vibrez team) found that to work perfectly also for sysex, 
> realtime etc. messages under Windows.
> It's fairly easy to provide a patch for vanilla PD, provided one has got 
> time and interest.
> gr~~~
> Am 26.06.2008 um 08:35 schrieb PSPunch:
>> Hi,
>> I understand that MIDI objects under Windows is said to be less stable
>> than Linux, due to the MIDI functions under Windows API that Pd relies 
>> on.
>> If I were to write my own MIDI I/O external for Windows, are there such
>> things as alternative MIDI libraries or APIs available, or does Windows
>> not allow you to access MIDI devices it recognizes without running data
>> through its interface?
>> Like some posts I made about a month back, my initial goal is to get raw
>> MIDI in&out working, this time on Windows.
>> Any hints appreciated.
>> Thanks.
>> -- 
>> David Shimamoto
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