Loic Kessous hat gesagt: // Loic Kessous wrote:

> yes, thanks [+], [*] and expr too! to make the exponential mapping ;-)
> ..., that can be done in an abstraction , that I may have somewhere in  
> max before scale has been ported to os X, but for me the real question  
> was to know what can I use from Pd-extended, so if i work on a another  
> computer and even another platform I can just take my patch and not  
> taking care about other things to add (because I'm always forgotting  
> them...)

The safest thing to do really is to use an abstraction that only relies
on Pd vanilla objects (if possible) and copy that into your patch
directory. Then every Pd user everywhere will be able to use your work.

maxlib's scale is pretty easy to do as an abstraction, Gem's scale
obviously is not.


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