Ooops, I spoke too soon about the fonts...

Tcl/Tk supports anti-aliased fonts on X windows with version 8.5 which 
after updating to, Pd started up with menu fonts closer to the system's 
style. (My Ubuntu 8.04 originally had some version in the 8.4 line.)

David Shimamoto

> Hans,
> Just an update to the chat on IRC,
> The message pack in Japanese worked right out of the box.
> Here's a screen shot.
> --
> OT,
> Unfortunately there are very few non-proprietary Japanese fonts that an 
> average user considers reasonably beautiful, which I imagine users of 
> other Asian charsets may relate to. What individuals configure for their 
> desktop is often where they've settled after a trial and error figuring 
> what suites them best and would be nice to see them in tk menus as well.
> The following quoted from
> ---- Begin quote ----
> X Windows
>      All valid X font names, including those listed by xlsfonts(1), are 
> available.
> MS Windows
>      The following fonts are supported, and are mapped to the user's 
> style defaults.
> Mac OS X
>      The following fonts are supported, and are mapped to the user's 
> style defaults.
> ---- End quote ----
> I wonder how difficult it is, or what may break if tk uses system 
> default styles for X, or is it a concept unique to Gnome?
> Just a something I would like to add to the veeeeeery bottom of the wish 
> list.
> --
> David Shimamoto
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