On Sep 2, 2009, at 11:22 AM, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:

On Tue, 1 Sep 2009, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

just ping the client... depends a bit on the branch...
miller: sys_gui("pd %s done \\;\n",rcv->s_name);
hans:   sys_gui("pdsend \"%s done\"\n",rcv->s_name);
matju:  sys_gui("netsend \"%s done\"\n",rcv->name);
provided that you have done pd_bind((t_pd *)self,rcv); and a class_addmethod for the name "done" (the callback).
Are there any existing methods?

I stated it, therefore it exists.

I suppose it depends on your school of ontology.

I am actually thinking Tcl/GUI side.

You can't get out of this question without thinking with both sides.

Well, I found a little hack way to do it. It turns out that 'pd' sends this proc when its done loading:

pdtk_canvas_getscroll .x64b920.c

And normally pdtk_canvas_getscroll is called with the toplevel path of .x64b920, for some reason when it finishes loading it calls pdtk_canvas_getscroll with the canvas name .x64b920.c. So I added a ::loaded array, so you can check to see if a given toplevel .x64b920 is loaded. ::loaded(.x64b920) is first set to 0 when pdtk_canvas_new is called, then when pdtk_canvas_getscroll .x64b920.c is first received, ::loaded(.x64b920) is set to 1. So you can "trace add variable ::loaded write" in order to run a proc when a patch has finished loading. Works for me in my 'editmode_look.tcl' plugin.



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